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Steve peers over at his childhood friend and frowns. Worry creases his forehead as he sits back in his chair pushed against the wall and watches as Bucky paces the floor outside of the room where Sparrow is currently getting her blood drawn. Tony called an actual doctor with a medical degree to come in and put her under. Tony didn't stay because he had other business to attend to, but he did call Nat to come in and be by Sparrow's side for when she woke up. Bucky jumped in and offered to be there for her, but the doctor suggested that Natasha would suit the position better.

Now, walking back and forth outside her door, Bucky's mind rolls over all the concerns running through his head. He knows that Sparrow's terrified of needles—she looked like she was going to faint just by looking at one. Being a HYDRA test subject himself, Bucky knows that one of the horrors of being their puppet is the experimenting. There was a plethora of surgical equipment on the table beside Bucky's chair that he was strapped to for hours, sometimes days, at a time, but never did he see a needle. Maybe HYDRA came up with a new way of experimenting, or a new way of torture.

"You're pacing," Steve points out, breaking Bucky out of his thoughts.

Bucky halts in his steps. He stares at his feet for a moment, then exhales deeply and tensely drops into the chair next to Steve.

"Sorry," he mutters, dropping his face in his hands in frustration and anxiety.

Steve crosses his legs. "What's got you so worked up? It's a simple procedure; you know what it's like, you've got your blood taken a hundred times when you got here."

"I don't know." He looks up and sets his elbows on his knees, his chin in his hands. "Sparrow was obviously appalled by the needle when Stark pulled it out. I don't know why—or how— she's letting them do this to her."

Steve runs his stubble covering his chin and jaw. "She's strong, she can handle it."

"I know that," Bucky replies. "I just . . . She . . ." He sighs and runs a hand down his face with frustration. "I'm still worried."

When Steve gives Bucky a suggestive look, Bucky groans.

"Don't look at me like that, Steve," Bucky says.

Steve raises his hands innocently and sits back in his chair.

"It's really weird," Bucky explains, looking down at his metal hand. He flexes it and clenches it. Steve studies his friend as he tries to clarify, his brow pulled forward. "It's like—I don't know. I feel . . . it's kind of like there's this connection. A connection between me and Sparrow."

Steve nods. "Well, you two are the only agents who were puppets of HYDRA here. It makes sense that you'd be drawn to her."

Bucky sighs and stares at the ground. He wants to try to explain to Steve that it's more than that and that it's different, but he keeps his mouth shut because he doesn't think he can put it into words.

He focuses on trying to explain it to himself so maybe he could understand. It's like a feeling, but it's deeper. He frowns in concentration. Maybe he's just plain crazy—his brain isn't exactly what it used to be.

Light snow drifting in the sharp air.

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