The Tickle Torture

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Once upon a time in the grizzly home, Shelley was getting ready to go to work. "Okay, kids. Mommy's going to work," said Shelley grabbing her purse. "Please don't bother Daddy when he's watching his basketball game." "Can you take us with you?" Ivory pleaded. " "I'm not going to take thirteen cubs with me to work," said Shelley. "The last time I took you, kids, to work with me, my boss had to call the fire department!" "Well, how did we were supposed to know that we couldn't toast marshmallows indoors?!" Dipper cried. "We're just little kids!" Shelley shook her head, kissed her children, and left the house. "What do we do now?" Bradley asked. "Let's tickle Daddy!" April cried. "Daddy is not ticklish," said Crystal. "Yes, he is and I can prove it," said April. "How?" asked the cubs. Without saying anything, April pulled out a blueprint drawing of Grizz. When did April have the time to draw a blueprint of her dad? The world may never know. "Gather around siblings, this blueprint will show us how to tickle Daddy with the delight of course!" April cried. Twenty minutes later... "April, I still don't understand why do I need a feather to tickle daddy?" asked Eliza. "Because my dear, Eliza, everyone knows that feathers are popular when tickling your victim," said April. "Okay, April if you say so," said Eliza. While the cubs were waiting in the kitchen, April entered the living room where Grizz was watching a basketball game. "Hi, Daddy! Whatcha doing?" April asked. "I'm watching a basketball game, sweetie! What are you pipsqueaks up to this time?" asked Grizz. Without saying a word, April and the cubs jumped on the couch and tickled Grizz one by one. "No! Stop tickling me with those feathers! Aah! Haha hahaha, that tickles!" Laughed Grizz. "This is for making me eat broccoli!" Cried GJ. Grizz was laughing hysterically. "This is for making me eat Brussel sprouts!" Cried, Ryan. "Stop tickling my feet!" Grizz laughed. "This is for making me eat lima beans!" Cried, Ivory. "Hee hee hee!" Grizz giggled. "This is for making me eat beets!" Cried Zac. "This is for making me eat spinach!" Cried, Zoe. "Ha ha ha ha!" said Grizz laughing. "This is for making me eat chickpeas!" Cried, Liam. "Ah! Where did you get those ice cubes?!" Cried Grizz laughing. "This is for making me eat colored greens!" Cried, Yasmin. Grizz stopped laughing for a moment and said, "That's collard greens, sweetie!" "That's what I said, Daddy!" Yasmin replied tickling Grizz's ribs. "Ah! That's my g spot!!! Hahaha!!!" Grizz laughed. "This is for making me eat peas!" Cried April. "Hahaha!" "This is for making me eat asparagus!" Cried, Bradley. "This is for making me eat carrots!" Cried Crystal. "This is for making me eat green beans!" Cried Dipper. Grizz was laughing so hard that his face was turning red. "This is for making me eat cauliflower!" Cried, Eliza. "This is for making me eat eggplants!" Cried Sunshine. "No! Hahaha, stop tickling my armpits!" Cried Grizz laughing. "This is for making me eat mushrooms!" Cried GJ. "This is for making me eat artichokes!" Cried, Ryan. Grizz was laughing hysterically. "This is for making me eat radishes!" Cried, Ivory. "This is for making me eat okra!" Cried Zac. "This is for making me eat butternut squash!" Cried, Zoe. "This is for making me eat sweet potatoes!" Cried, Liam. Grizz's face was turning blue. No matter how much Grizz begged for mercy, the cubs tickled him. "And this is for making me eat zucchini!" Cried, Yasmin. Grizz began to hyperventilate. "Guys, please stop. I can't breathe!" Pleaded Grizz. GJ gave Grizz a glass of water but it was too late. Grizz stopped breathing. GJ began doing CPR on Grizz. "Dad, come back to us! Please don't die!" said GJ crying. "Daddy, please don't leave us!" Ivory cried. "We're sorry for tickling you!" Ryan cried. "This was your fault, April!" Cried her siblings. "Let's tickle, April!" GJ shouted.

As the cubs were about to tickle April, she heard Grizz's voice. "April! Wake up!" April woke up from her daydream. "What? What happened?" April asked. "You've been daydreaming for about twenty minutes, April," said Grizz. Was there something that you wanted to tell me?" "Um, I'll be right back," said April. She went to the kitchen and said to her siblings, "Change of plans:  Bring out the snacks, and let's go watch the basketball game with Daddy!"

Ten minutes later, Grizz and the cubs were eating snacks and watching the game together. "I'm glad you're here, Daddy," said April giving Grizz a hug. Grizz got all misty and said, "I'll always be here with you kids."

That night, Grizz and Shelley were snuggling up in bed. "How was your day, sweetheart?" Grizz asked. "I had a very boring meeting with the chairman of the bored (board)!" said Shelley. "I need some excitement!" Grizz smiled and kissed her on the lips. Shelley kissed Grizz and said, "I love you so much!" "I love you too, Shelley," said Grizz, and he gently nibbled on her neck. Shelley let out a soft growl as she licked Grizz's ear. "How's that for excitement?" Grizz asked. Shelley smiled and began tickling Grizz. Grizz started to giggle as he too was tickling Shelley. As Grizz and Shelley were playing, GJ opened the door and said, "We kids are trying to sleep!" When GJ left Grizz said, "Who died and made him King Cranky?" Shelley burst out laughing. Grizz gazed into Shelley's eyes and gave Shelley a passionate kiss. Shelley smiled and began tickling Grizz again.  Of course, Grizz tickled Shelley. So, the two bears laughed and tickled each other playfully all through the night.

The End

We Bare Bears:Short Stories 9 by pandasgirls8 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora