part one

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Sonics pov

i was down sitars making breakfast for me and my boyfriend and yes you read right i have a boyfriend. An it is no other then the love of my life Shadow the hedgehog. I know what you might be saying when did that happen well it actually happened two years ago today is are anniversary and i have so much things planned.

I am so exited but over the 8 mouths shadow has been acting strange which is very concerning to me. But i am going to make this day the best day of his life were we can have fun doing all the favorite things he loves. As i was cooking i heard footsteps from upsairs walk closer to me i was shadow.

" hay shadz i made breakfast" i said as he sat down on the dinning table and ust looked on his phone like i wasn't even there.

I then walked to the table with both plate in hands. once i put the plate in front of him he put his phone down and then began eating. Sometimes i think he loves the food more then me. Once we were both down he was back on his phone not even making eye contact with me like i wasn't even there.

" um i have the whole day planed for are special day." i said as i tried to get his attention

"......Special day??" he asked as he looked at me confused and a eye brow up still the phone in hand.

"Well ya today is are anniversary day silly" i said as I smiled and he only got out of his seat on walked away and grabbed his coat and opened the door but then he turned to me adn said

" Not today... i have to...go to work." he said as he had a emotionless face

"But rouge told me that you didn--" i was shortly interrupted as the house was shortly echoed with the sound of the door slammed.


-6 hours later-

Ring,ring, ring

"oh hay tails what do you need?" i ask as i answered the phone call of my dear little brother.

"S-S-SONIC I S-SAW SHADOW AND HE WAS...K..K-KISSING A GIRL" he said over the line then out of no were i hear a thump as the phone was know on the cold wooded floor as my hand was know only trembling of shock my mouth was wide open and i could feel a river of wet tears going down my muzzle to the floor.

I was now on my knees and holding my head with my hands that seemed to only be soaked by all the tears. Until i heard the door slowly open to reveal the ass hole of black and red.. How could he???

Thank you so much for reading please like and comment

Me: i am so sad right now

Sonic: cry baby

Me: hay

Shadow: what is are next story

Me: hhhhmmm i don't know what about the missing princess


Me: hahaha😈😈😈😈

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