"You're such hard work," Jack scoffed, looking at the brunette as well, "How do you put up with him?"

"He's worth it," she shrugged, grinning sheepishly as her sister shot her a cheeky look.

"End goals, you two, end goals," Jack announced, pointing between Mei and the Doctor, before looping an arm over Mei's shoulder, "I'm so jealous."

"Wait so the two of you-" Mickey pointed between the Doctor and Mei, looking confused, "How does that work? He's an alien."

Rose cleared her throat at her sister's glare, drawing Mickey's attention back to her, "Did you manage to find them?"

He nodded, distracted, and pulled two burgundy passports from his inside jacket pocket, "There you go."

Rose took them, turning to face the Doctor with a grin, waving the passports in his face, "Mei and I can go anywhere now." 

"I told you, you don't need a passport," he muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, you also said you knew how to pilot the TARDIS," Mei teased, moving over to link arms with her sister, "Besides, we might not need a passport for other planets and stuff, but what about if we land in Brazil, and we get separated from you and your psychic paper? You don't want us getting deported do you?"

The Doctor made a face, before nodding in agreement, sighing, "I suppose there's a point there." He tossed a rag at Mei who squealed, barely catching it, "And i can pilot the TARDIS!" he caught the looks the other four gave him, as well as the Tardis's amused hum, then frowned, "Sometimes, okay sometimes."

"You see," Rose beamed, "We're prepared for anything."

Mickey turned to the blonde, a slight glare on his features, "Sounds like your staying, then."

The Doctor and Jack both sent him glares in return, Mei's lip lifted in a slight snarl but she was clearly biting back words and Rose seemed lost for an answer. 

Eventually, the boy cleared his throat and asked, "So, what're you doing in Cardiff? And who the hell's Jumping Jack Flash? I mean, I don't mind you hanging out with big-ears up there-"

"Oi!" The Doctor called out, catching the boy gesture toward him.

"Look in the mirror," Mickey spat back at him, then pointed to Jack, "But this guy, I don't know, he's kind of-"

"Handsome?" Jack asked, grinning.

"More like cheesy."

"Early twenty first Century slang. Is cheesy good or bad?" Jack asked, looking at Mei.

"Bad, but that's just Mickey's insecurities," She replied sweetly smiling at said boy who glared back, she then gave Jack a pat on the shoulder, "Don't worry, you're great company for my sister."

"Hang on," the Doctor climbed off his ladder, putting the head torch down, "Are you saying I'm not handsome?"

Mei shook her head at him and then pressed a kiss to his cheek, "Most handsome little Dumbo i ever met."

Jack and Rose laughed at that, but quickly tried to cover it up when the Doctor shot them a look. Still giggling slightly, the blonde glanced at Mickey and tried not to frown at his scowl.

She cleared her throat, "We just stopped off. We need to refuel. The thing is, Cardiff's got this rift running through the middle of the city. It's invisible, but it's like an earthquake fault between different dimensions."

Mickey simply looked confused, but Mei was pretty proud that Rose was learning from her, the Doctor and Jack's teachings. The girl could have gone back to college and flown through many of the degrees now. Rose had slowly been learning before Jack joined them, but upon hearing some of Jack's stories, she'd expressed a want to learn more and at a faster rate.

The Other Tyler - rewriteHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin