Chapter 2

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It's been a week since I went out with my friends, they sure invited me to parties but my answer was just a simple no, I'm sorry but your friend is not a party person.

I jogged down the stairs, ready to go eat breakfast.

"Hey" I almost died.

"You scared the shit out of me" I screamed at Alex, my brother. the most annoying living thing.

"Sorry" he said seeming so proud of himself, he already knows how much I hate when someone scares me, idiot.

"Anyways what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be working or something?" I asked rolling my eyes already feeling sad because I don't have the whole house to myself today to do whatever I please.

"What? I can't have holidays like normal people?" He asked rolling his eyes back.

"No, no you can't" I mumbled opening the fridge to look for food.

"Don't even search for food, there's none." He stated.

"You got to be kidding me," I huffed "why didn't dad just buy some ingredients and groceries?" I understand he's an investigator and he works all day but that doesn't mean he can leave us without food, I think I'll just go buy some.

"Maybe you should go buy us something to eat," he said while playing on his phone.

" Oh no shit Sherlock" I said rolling my eyes, I didn't even wait to hear his response and headed to my room.

I entered the Walmart and started packing some necessaries when I bumped into someone and when I looked to see who I'd just bumped into I realized it was Toby.

"Toby, hey" I greeted smiling big and hugged him.

"Viola," He greeted hugging me back, "Why are you here anyways?" He asked and before I got the chance to reply he said smirking "Why am I even asking? I'm honestly not surprised to see you here with all this food."

I glared at him and punched him in his stomach jokingly, he-Of course pretended to be hurt but who would be that stupid to believe him though? Exactly.

I almost squealed when I felt someone's presence behind me I looked around to see who it was and it was, Justin.

"Do you really have to scare me every single time you see me?" I asked rolling my eyes at him.

"First, I never meant to scare you, you're just so funky and every little thing scares you Second, why do you always scream when there's someone behind you? It's not like they're going to rape you or something" he said smirking widely I glared at him and gave him a disgust look, someone's decided to be a bitch today, prepare yourself Viola.

"Stop calling me that okay" I said still glaring at him.

"Make me," He said once again smirking, if I can just whip that stupid yet so attractive smirk of his stupid face. Well we all know that's a lie.

"I'll just stab your eyes out with a fork, no regrets" I said flipping my hair and it hit his arm, he wrinkled his nose but then he let out a small chuckle.

"You really are bad with threats" he smirked yet another time widely at me, I just love hate that smirk of his.

"Go fuck yourself," I mumbled and looked at Toby who seemed to be so interested in out pointless conversation.

"I can see that you both are getting along" Toby said smirking while looking between me and Justin I just wrinkled my nose getting irritated of how much they both smirk all the time.

"Yeah, right" I said rolling my eyes, we stood there awkwardly when Toby-thankfully-decided to break the awkward silence.

"Why don't you come and eat breakfast with us, we'd like to have more company" Toby said smiling at me.

"Oh please no" Justin begged not wanting to accompany me no more, it's not like I want to either.

"As much as I'd like to but I can't," I glared at Justin but then looked at Toby "Alex is waiting for me." I continued.

"Oh he's back" Toby said raising his eyebrows.

"No Shit Sherlock" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes.

Why do I always roll my eyes? I Thought to myself maybe because they're just so irrelevant

"And as much as I'd like to continue my so worthless and pointless conversations with the both of you I can't because Alex is probably starving right now" I said fixing my hair before waving at them both smiling big, no one waved back, surprising? Not really.

"Alex" I called the second i slammed the door with my leg because I was carrying so many bags. there was no answer, I shrugged and went to the kitchen to stuff everything, I was about to put everything on the counter when a loud scream cause be to drop all the bags on the floor and a scream escaped my lips and I just dammed my ears and looked in front of me to see no one else but the most annoying brother on earth trying to scare me for the second time this day and the problem is that he really did scare me.

"Alex, you fucking asshole you quit scaring me right now or i'll just stab your eyes out with a fork" I screamed at him wanting nothing but to punch him real hard on his throat.

"But, but its fun" he said laughing loudly, clutching his stomach of laughter and I just stared at him blankly getting irritated.

words: 933

A/N I know it's the shittest chapter ever but whatever lawl

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