The smashing of glass took my attention away from Harry's frantic figure. Sasha had knocked her pitcher of water onto the floor, glass fragments twinkling on the floor like stars. She looked hollowed, and for once, I could see the troubled girl who struggled with me gone.

"They won't believe us." Sasha's voice was full of pain, and yet she didn't cry. "We're just kids to them. They wouldn't believe Remus either, because he's a werewolf—and they certainly won't believe Mum." She sat on the bed, head in hands, defeated. "It's over."

"No it's not." Harry said abruptly. He pulled his hoodie on and grabbed his wand. "I'm going to see Dumbledore."

"Harry—" both Ron and Hermione had woken up now, looking worried. "What's going on—"

I too, began pacing. "Wait—Ron, what's wrong with your leg—I healed it!"

Ron grumbled, and poked at his plaster cast. "That stupid Evelyn—I'm not sure what she did, but after she turned invisible my leg started hurting. By the time you ran off, I was in agony. Somehow—she managed to take away the healing."

My hands shook. Evelyn. Just how powerful was she? "But how did you get hurt, Hermione?"

"Dumbledore set Elijah straight to his dormitory—Gods know why, and I knew I had to stay with you all." She touched a chain at her neck, which was odd. Since when did Hermione wear a necklace? "I cut myself on a rock to be here with you all."

"Brilliant!" Harry exclaimed. "Now we're all caught up—I'm going to find Dumbledore and save Sirius!"

Almost as if Harry had summoned him with his words, the hospital wing door opened, and Dumbledore was stood there. He shut the door behind him, and Harry fell silent.

"You aren't all as quiet talking as you believe." Dumbledore said quietly. "I believe you think we have the wrong man?"

We all began a messy tirade of everything—Pettigrew, Evelyn, the dementors—until Dumbledore held up a hand for us to stop.

"Yes, I've spoken to Sirius, and he's saying the exact same thing." Dumbledore said, and hope burned in my chest, a flicker.

"So, you can let him go!" Sasha burst out. "Professor—our Father can't die for crimes he didn't commit—please—"

Dumbledore gave my sister a kind smile. "I'm afraid not, Sasha. The Ministry wouldn't believe any of you, being underaged wizards and witches. That's how our world works, sadly—"

"Then talk to Remus!" Harry burst out. "Or Aunt Cara—they saw everything—"

"Remus is in the forest, unable to speak to anybody rationally until dawn. Cara is still with him—she doesn't know anything that has happened, and by the time they leave the forest, it will be too late."

Dumbledore sounded sad, and that in broke my heart again. If Dumbledore didn't have hope, why should I? To my surprise, he turned to Hermione, his eyes twinkling. "What we need—is more time."

Hermione gasped, and touched the chain around my neck. "Are you saying—"

"Now pay attention," Dumbledore said his voice low and urgent. "Sirius is locked in the office directly below the Astronomy tower. If all goes well maybe more than one innocent life may be spared. But Miss Granger, you know the rules: you mustn't be seen."

Hermione nodded eagerly. Dumbledore walked back to the doors, but he placed a hand on them, turning back to us.

"I'm going to lock this door at eleven-fifty-five. Three turns should do it, Miss Granger. Good luck to you all."

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