5. The Sorting Hat's decision

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Early twilight stars were dotting the darkening sky like white stitches on a blanket. The train pulled into the station slowly, all four of us crowding around the window desperate for a glimpse of Hogwarts. There was nothing exciting yet—just a normal train station.

It ground to a halt, and suddenly there was a great scramble for everybody to get off the train. From us new first years to serious seventh years, everybody was desperate to get to Hogwarts. Making sure Sooty was secure in his cage, I sadly left him as we all dismounted the train.

The platform was a crowd of black robes with flashing colours of different houses, of hubbub and eagerness. The four of us huddled together, unsure where to go. Cassie clutched onto my robes, her eyes worried.

Then a booming voice called out across the station. "First years! First years over 'ere!"

"That's Hagrid!" Harry said excitedly, and the four of us wove our way through the crowds towards his voice. Many other small first years followed us, relieved for some sort of order.

Hagrid was stood at the edge of the platform, holding a lantern. Even as the stars began to grow brighter, we could make out his smile behind his fluffy beard.

"'Ello Harry, Lyra!" he beamed when he saw us. "First years—over 'ere!"

We waited a few minutes until there was a small crowd of people in clean new robes surrounding us. Hagrid nodded at the crowd, it seemed everybody was here. "Come on! Follow me!"

We followed him down a winding path down a steep hill, Cassie and I holding hands to avoid slipping. Dark trees sprung up on either side of us. Nobody said a word, too nervous to speak.

"Look everybody—first sight of Hogwarts!" Hagrid said cheerfully, as we broke through the last of the trees.

Everybody gasped. We were stood on the edge of a lake, and there—in the near distance, looking as impressive as I imagined, was Hogwarts. It was hundreds of times better than any Disney castle—and so much more magical. A thousand tiny lights glistened like fireflies in endless windows, and the turrets reached so high I swore they were touching the stars.

Cassie squeezed my hand: she was smiling so much I thought her face might break. I'd never seen her so excited. I squeezed her hand back, happy to know we were stronger than ever.

"No more than four to a boat!" Hagrid called.

Cassie, Harry, Ron and I headed towards a boat together. Draco was calling for his sister, but she ignored him, keeping her head high. I could barely suppress a grin as we climbed into the boat. One to me, Draco.

"Forward!" Hagrid called from a boat he had to himself. Suddenly all the boats propelled forward, and we were steadily making our way towards the castle, and the school we'd all been waiting for.

Hogwarts approached almost too quickly, towering above us. It made me feel tiny. Even my special powers felt insignificant compared to this place. We were dropped off at a boat house, and all of us trotted after Hagrid up another steep flight of stairs.

We crowded around a massive oak door, and Hagrid knocked three times.

It only took a few moments for the door to open, and we were greeted by our first Professor. She was a woman who looked like she couldn't be messed with. Her hair was scraped into a perfect bun, and glasses perched on her nose.

"All the first years, Professor McGonagall," Hagrid said cheerily.

"Thank you, Hagrid. I'll take them from here." McGonagall nodded politely and stepped aside so we could all crowd inside Hogwarts.

Sky full of stars {Harry Potter Fanfiction}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя