I'll Always Be Here

Start from the beginning

"I feel really tired and my head hurts." Luke said.

"That's to be expected. We will give you some pain killers but you will still need to be monitored so you will probably have to stay here no longer than a week. Now I'll leave you guys be." He walked out and Dave and Emma were still standing on the other side of the room holding hands. Luke was still tense and I was confused to why.

He looked over to me.

"Why are those people in here?" Luke asked.

I was shocked. He didn't remember his parents. This isn't good.

Emma walked over and embraced Luke in a hug.

"Luke I'm so glad your okay. You scared your father and I to death."

Luke didn't hug his mom back instead he kind of pushed her away and pulled me to him. He was so scared he was shaking.

"What's going on?" He whispered in my ear.

"Uhm Luke those are you're parents."

Emma was confused by Luke's actions.

"L-Luke, what's wrong?" She asked.

"I don't remember you guys" Luke murmured.

Dave and Emma were shocked. Emma ran out of the room with tears in her eyes and Dave followed. I climbed into bed with Luke and held his shaking hands.

"I can't believe I forgot my own parents." He said.

Tears started streaming down his cheeks and I wiped then away.

"Don't cry Luke, you will remember. You just need time now you need some rest." I pulled the covers up to him and got out of bed. I was going to sit down in the seat next to him but he grabbed my wrist.

"Stay." He said.

He looked so scared an vulnerable. I hadn't seen this side of Luke before. He was always the strong one comforting me. It was my turn to comfort him.

I climbed into bed with Luke and wrapped my arms around him.

"It's okay Luke everything will be okay."

And with that I heard Luke's breathing slow and he drift off into sleep and I did as well.

The week flew by and Luke was being released from the hospital. He recovered really well. He still can't remember his parents though and he kept getting upset that he couldn't remember. Emma and Dave were upset too but they tried to stay strong for Luke. They mainly stayed home and went to work because they knew being there upset Luke. They knew I was there for him. I didn't attend school all week because I wanted to stay by Luke's side. He tried to get me to go but I didn't want to go alone. I knew the jocks would beat me up.

"Are you ready to go home?" I asked Luke.

"Y-yea, it's just I don't want to face my parents all the time. I know they're sad I don't remember but as much as I try to remember I just can't, I can't do it!" Luke yelled.

I walked up to Luke and wrapped my arms around him. I felt his body relax against mine as he hugged me back.

"I know you're trying Luke and I know it's frustrating, but I'm so proud of you for trying. I know it's hard but you can get through this, your parents love you no matter what and you are so lucky to have them. Everything will work out I promise."

Luke pulled out of my arms and stepped back.

"How can you promise something like that? You don't know if I'm going to remember or not. All those good memories of being a little kid with a loving family are gone. I have nothing left for memories. Now I feel like I had a shitty childhood like you!" Luke blurted out.

I couldn't believe what I just heard. I understand Luke was upset but there was no need for him to bash my childhood. That hurt.

"I'm sorry Skyy I didn't mean it."

"Whatever Luke let's just go." I said as I picked up his bag and headed to the car.

Luke followed behind and kept quiet. Once we got to my car I turned up the radio and sped out of the hospital parking lot and off to Luke's house.

Once we arrived at Luke's I got out of the car without even looking at Luke. He followed silently behind me. We walked into the kitchen where Emma and Dave were.

"Hi Guys! Luke it's good to see you home honey!" She came up and hugged him.

He awkwardly hugged her back and then Emma realized.

"Oh uhm sorry Luke."

"It's fine, I'm going to head upstairs."

Luke left the kitchen and Emma looked really sad.

"I-I just don't even know what to do anymore. It's so hard because I remember everything and he doesn't" she said.

"He will come around, don't worry Emma." I said.

I decided to head upstairs because I needed to take Luke's bag up and unpack it for him. As I walked into his room I found him sitting on his bed. Luke's hands were shaking and he had tears running down his face. My heart sank. Even though he made me mad earlier I knew he didn't mean what he said. He's just tired and frustrated. I hated seeing him this way.

I sat down beside him on the bed. I wiped the tears off his face.

"Luke what's wrong?" I asked softly while I rubbing his back to soothe him.

"I-I just can't do this anymore. My parents are freaked out and I feel like I don't even belong in this house. Everything is just so weird." He said in between cries.

I honestly had nothing to say to him. He was hurting so much and it broke my heart. I turned his head so he was looking at me and I gently placed my lips against him. I wanted to show him that I'm here and that I care. Luke understood because when I pulled away he was much more calm. I got him to lay down in bed and I crawled up beside him and pulled the covers over us. I huddled up to him and wrapped my arms around him and laid my head on his chest. We said no more because nothing needed to be said. He just needed to know I was here.

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