as good as dead

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I face out the window, not that I can see much. Everything's always been a blur for me, everything from feeling, to taste and smell. All my senses are wrong.

I do have the capability of my sense, but they're just dulled, almost non-existent... apart from my hearing. I can hear almost anything, and I hate it. Imagine that your only fully functional sense was turned up so loud you could hear wool grow on a sheep's back. The thing is you can't if you've never experienced it.

They took me away from home when I was six, but I don't resent them for it. When the war started they locked me in a sound proof room so I wouldn't hear the screams as loudly, everyday the prisoners downstairs are woken up with another shot of demons blood, a poison so foul that even a half a ml can cause a grown man to faint. Of course what they  want is answers, so they inject full doses of 10 ml. The pain is so terrible that the victims can't even faint, instead they are fated to endure the purest pain ever created.

I feel the victims pains, very literally. Despite my sound proof walls and my useless headphones I can still hear the screams split my head in two. It's a cacophony of agony that swallows me and punctures holes into my brain, it immobilizes me.

I curse myself everyday, I can't feel the metal sill under my hands, I can't see the bird flying ten feet away from my window, I can't taste the food that goes down my throat and I can't smell the flowers that decorate my lonely room. I know it could be worse but I wish they would just find a cure for me.

Just then I hear the door open, slowly and as quietly as possible. 

"Who is it?" I call out, despite knowing that by the sound of their footsteps and the short rapid breathing that it's Miranda. She visits me about once a month and updates me on the war.

I wait for her to whisper her name so she won't hurt my ears. I wait in vain, she merely walks closer towards me.

It is only then that I hear the tears crawling down her cheeks, it is only then that I here the friction of her hands against a rope.

And yet I freeze. I don't ask why she cries. I don't ask why she holds a rope. I don't ask her what the hell she's doing. Because deep down I know, a dark and forcefully forgotten memory resurfaces.

Miranda ties my hands together and leads me out. I stumble along after her. I almost fall over, there is noise everywhere, I hear screams from below, I hear voices on my left, I hear footsteps, I hear people breathe. I hear everything and it hurts.

Somehow Miranda manages to lead me to my own torture chamber. I know without needing to see that everything is white. I know that their are only three imperfections on the otherwise smooth walls.

 I know that the air tastes of cinnamon and that everything smells of tears. I know that the metal straps restraining me onto the bed burn like fire.

I know this but I do not experience it.

I do experience, however, the poison otherwise known as demons blood injected into my veins, I experience just how loudly I can scream, I experience real pain for the first time in what feels like forever.

The last thing I ever know is that my super sensitive hearing combined with my own screams will end me and that they  the mysterious group of people that took me away from home , have succeeded in eradicating us, humans like all others with a curse of "super" senses.

I realise moments before my life ends, that it took them seven years to take away all my senses. I was thirteen when they left me senseless.

All I can do until I die is sit in a chair. For the time being I'm as good as dead.

Yeah I know it's really short but it's just something that I wrote for English and decided to post here.

I hope y'all liked it and if I make mistakes be sure to tell me.

I feel so needy and rude saying this but... give me a vote if you liked it?? (idek why I'm bothering tbh haha)

Have a nice day everyone, I hope things go great for you :)

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