chapter two

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The morning sun burned on Jack's bare back, it was early in the morning, no one was up yet, well he didn't think they were. He would usually be the first to wake up, he'd bathe, go hunt, and when he got back, everyone would be up. He stepped out of the wood shelter, stretching his back, yawning quietly. Jack quietly rubbed the paint next to the hut on his face. He looked around the empty beach, towards the bathing pool, Ralph, bathing, well, sort of. He was just kinda swimming in the hot spring.

His eyes were glued to the boy's golden body, muscles on his long thin arms and a flat tan stomach. He tried to look away, but his head turned back to the glistening boy. A look of interest and intoxicating concentration locked into his bright blue eyes. It was confusing, his head was telling him to confront the exposed boy for his wrongful actions that last night, but his heart disagreed, before the stunt Ralph pulled, it wad nice, and he didn't want to ruin that.

It's been some time and Jack's blue eyes were still watching the other boy. His cheeks flushed when Ralph turned around, noticed his staring. Instead of saying anything, Jack grabbed his spear and ran into the jungle, he guessed he was skipping the bathe in the hot spring this morning. He walked, clearing his mind, not even noticing all the pink meat running below his long limbs. He walked for hours, circles upon circles, and then he made it back, Simon and Piggy talking about something. Ralph was yelling at Roger to get up and do something other than playing in the sand. Again, Jack threw the spear into the sand and trotted towards the ocean where Sam was fishing.

He sat down, water hitting his bum. The air was very hot, he removed the paint from his face with the ocean water. His eyes stung from the salt but he didn't mind all that much, he just wanted whatever thoughts were trapped in his head to go away. A slight breeze would come 'round every once in awhile. It was quite nice, not a thing to be angry at. He laid the rest of his body down on the sand, closing his eyes. Sure, it wasn't that dark out but everyone needs a nap or two.

"Jack." A voice said. The tall boy kept his eyes shut, "Zip it, Ralph." He snapped, but felt the boy plop down next to him. "I-I know you don't want to talk, but we have to. Whether you listen or not, it has to be said." Ralph said as the other boy sat up. "What don't you understand by 'Zip it?' Leave. Me. Alone." Jack rolled his eyes standing up, that anger was back, he was out for blood, ready to snap any minute. Ralph was going to chase after him but considering the way Jack walked away, his knuckles white from gripping them tightly, face written with so many words, a feast of vengeance and death.

Jack stormed into an empty shelter where his anger turned into pacing around and heavy breathing. His knees felt weak, he needed to calm down, anything. Ralph, outside the shelter waiting until the heavy breathing slowed down. Once it did, he waited a bit longer before entering the hut. There he was, passed out on a hammock bed, his black choir robe used as a blanket though it was extremely hot. Ralph knew he shouldn't but he climbed into the hammock, he brushed a piece of red hair behind the other's ear, just like the night before.

When Jack slept, he looked so peaceful, and sometimes when he'd talk in his sleep, he seemed to have the most extraordinary dreams. His voice wouldn't sound mad, it sounded like a heartbeat soft and persistent. The side Ralph wanted to see more. "I'm sorry for bothering you, making you mad." He whispered, little did he know Jack heard everything. "I just wanted to talk about last night. It's all I think about. I shouldn't have done it, but you did it back. I liked it, I want to do it again. I understand you probably don't."

'I do' Jack wanted to say but he couldn't. He couldn't bring himself to say anything, just pretend to sleep. "I hope we can talk when you wake up. Rest well." Ralph sighed pressing his lips to Jack's left temple before climbing off his body in the hammock and leaving the hut, off to do work.

Meanwhile, Jack laid there, eyes now open, staring at the leaf ceiling. 'I do, it's wrong, but I do,' he thought. He wouldn't admit it though, but he was falling for Ralph, his mortal enemy. He finally managed to pull himself out of the hammock after about an hour, he saw Ralph talking to Simon and approached them. "Go." Jack said sternly looking at Simon who immediately did as told. Ralph's green eyes met Jack's blue.

"I'm ready to talk now."

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