Chapter 1

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I rocked back and forth on the uncomfortable plastic chair, my black boots scuffing against the floor, my lilac hair swaying in the gentle breeze, I sighed to myself, annoyed to be in this situation once again. I had been sat here for over 20 minutes now and I was really starting to get annoyed, what was taking them so long?

I looked over at the clock to check the time once more but my attention was caught by my head teacher’s door opening, out shuffled my mother dabbing at her eyes with a tissue, I rolled my own and stood up.

“So, what is it this time? Suspension? Community service? Detention?” I snapped at my mother annoyance clear in my voice.

“It’s not going to be like before Jordy, you’ve gone too far this time” she replied not bothering to look at me in the eyes; I could see the tears rolling down her face yet again.

She always cried when I got into trouble, but never this much, what the hell?

“Come on Jordy let’s go home we need to talk” my mother didn’t bother to wait for me as she turned and walked out of the reception office, I sighed loudly before giving my headmaster a sarcastic wave, picking up my black backpack from the floor and getting the hell out of that room.

The drive home was silent and uncomfortable; I had broken my headphones the day before so I had no escape from this un-settling atmosphere. I kept my eyes tightly closed as I didn’t want to have to look at my mother.

As soon as the car pulled up into our drive I was out of the car and making a dash towards the front door.


I sighed and patiently waited for her to unlock the door so we could get inside; once we were indoors she walked towards the living room and gestured for me to follow her. I kicked off my black boots and shrugged off my leather jacket before taking a seat opposite my mother.

“I’ve always tried to do what’s best for you Jordy, but all you do is throw everything right back in my face and quite frankly I’m sick of it. All I ask is for you to behave at school and be respectful towards people, me included, but yet you can’t even do that.” She paused taking a few breaths before starting up again.

“I’ve spoken to your father and we have both come to the conclusion that you’re going to go stay with him for a while…”

“WHAT?” I shrieked standing up so fast I got a head rush.

“You and me just need a break from one another, just some time away” my mother calmly replied.

“WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK MUM YOU CAN’T JUST SHIP ME OFF TO SYDNEY BECAUSE I GOT INTO TROUBLE A COUPLE TIMES AT SCHOOL, WHAT KIND OF FUCKING PARENTING IS THAT?” my heart was beating rapidly and my breathing became extremely uneven in such a small amount of time.

“It’ll be good for us, we need this Jordy, please understand” my mother tried to reassure me, it wasn’t fucking working.

“YOU KNOW WHAT? FINE, FUCK YOU I DON’T WANT TO LIVE WITH YOU ANYWAY” I stormed out of the living room and ran up the stairs faster than even, I could feel my mum rushing behind me only causing my pace to quicken.

“Jordy please don’t act this way” my mother asked placing a hand on my shoulder.

I whipped around my face only inches away from my mums, I looked her straight in the eyes, my anger radiating off my body like steam.

“You’re making me move 14 hours away because I got into trouble a couple of times, how could you even comprehend to ask me to understand?” I replied my voice cracking at the end.

“We both know it wasn’t just a couple of times Jordy. You need to spend some time with your dad any way; you haven’t seen him in a while.”

I shook my head once again before taking one last look at my mother’s broken face and walking into my room slamming my door with so much force the celling rattled.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a problem with my dad at all, I actually loved him, he was very relaxed when it came to parenting. He had moved from LA to Sydney after my parents got divorced when I was 15. That was when I started acting up, I would skip school, steal, and graffiti anything I could get my hands on and when I rarely did go to school I was rude, disrespectful and disruptive.

I let out one more painful sigh before slumping against my bedroom door.

“Start packing you leave tomorrow night sweetie” my other chirped from the other side of the door her mood changing surprising fast.

“Don’t call me fucking sweetie, leave me the hell alone” I growled in response before dragging my sorry body over to my bed.

I guess I’m moving to Sydney.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2014 ⏰

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