"Just give up Mia. You know you can't win" Michael said laughing.

"Never" she said.


The little girl stop in her tracks looking into the room.

"Sis what is wrong."

I paused looking into the room.

"Mia, Mia, Mia" Michael said laughing. "You didn't tell me you have children and their powers are very strong especially the boy" Michael said looking at me.

"Your not taking them. Not over my died body."

Michael smirked. "You wanna bet."

Mom and Julia fought Michael until he shot Julia in the face with magic.

"JULIA!" I ran to her. "JULIA, JULIA ARE YOU OK!"

She laughs weakly. "Of course I'm ok. Don't worry about me he only wants you and Mom."


My mother was about to slash at Michael, when she was stabbed.

"M-mom." I watch in terror as my mom falls to the floor. I run to her and grab her hand.

"Mom please don't go. We need you... I-I need you don't leave me like this please."

Tears streamed down my face and my mom put her hand on my cheek.

"You need to be strong for me and your sister."


She has me a necklace.

"Once your father finds out what happened to me he will go on a rampage kill everyone and everything. When you see him say these words while holding the necklace: proterivala ovu zlu dušu da svet mirno pošalje ovu dušu dimenziji. I love you Austin."

My mother kissed me and took her final breaths then the color faded from her eyes.

"No mom please don't. Come back to me please."

Michael grabbed me by the neck and made me face him.

"So much power and so much anger but not being released. Why is that?"

I was having I hard time breathing and I felt light head. Michael smirked.

"I need you so don't let all your air out at once."

Michael laughed. Just than he got shot with magic and I felt to the ground trying to catch my breath.

"DON'T TOUCH MY BROTHER" my sister said.



"Two v one. Hehe I didn't even try me."

My blood was boiling. I tried to calm down but I couldn't not after what he did to my mother. Michael was about to grab Julia when magic shot him towards the wall. Julia looks at me in shook. She call my name a couple of times then started shaking me and I finally broke out of my trance.

"Austin, Austin."

"What." I grip her arms so she could stop shaking me.

"You have power?"

I look at her in shook then looked at Michael then my hands.

"I guess so" I said still looking at my hands.

Before we knew it Michael grabbed both of us.

"Now I'm not letting you go again."

We tried our best to get out of his grip but it was to strong. I voice came from the door way. I was my dad.

"Let my children go Michael."

"Oh it's you. You can have the girl. The boy has so much power."

Some how I'm teleported in to my dad's arms and he puts me down and tells me to go hide.I run off to my room but I stood in the door way.

"If I can't have my trophy than you can't have a daughter."


"Watch me."

A flash of happened and they where gone. I could see anger in my dad's eyes. I pointed the necklace at him whispered the words my mom told me.

"I'm sorry Dad." I whispered.

-end of flashback-

"So what happened to Julia" Autumn asked me.

"I don't know you have to ask her."

"What happened to you after you locked your dad away."

"Well I call the police and told them what happened and they let me go to my mom's funeral and they put me in a orphanage. They told me they would try to find my sister. Then as life went on I guess I just forgot I had a sister."

"Austin I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault."

"Yes it is. What happened in your past and than with Michael. I just gave you more pain you have to deal with."

"Yes what has happened has hurt me more but I found my sister so there is a bright side to everything."

"Oh do you want your hoodie back."

"No. You keep it for now. You never know when you will lose someone until it happens."

She look down then at Me. "I have done nothing to show I care for you."

"You have. Your helping me with my past and just having you here makes me happy."

She blushes and me on the cheek and we sit there blushing for a while.

"I'm sorry it don't know what came over me."

I pull her closer to me.


I kiss her on the lips.

Hey my peoples. Yes you guys are my peoples now. Well you guys been my peoples.

Anyways I hope you enjoy this part of Captured and Tortured and the weird thing is I wrote 1338 word (still on going) and I feel like I wrote a lot. Well I hope you enjoy have an awesome day or night or whatever and I'll see you guys in the next part. BBBBYYYYYEEEE!!

Captured and Tortured:In the BasementOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora