Chapter One

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It was Monday, so Tekinya Usidan was especially groggy this morning. As Tekinya walked into the lunchroom of Truman Jones High School, she immediately spotted her two friends, Shauna Patterson and Adrianna McCray. She went in line to grab breakfast and sat down with them. They greeted each other and began catching each other up on the gossip from the weekend.

Suddenly, they heard the cafeteria doors open. They stopped for a second to see Derek Richardson walk through the doors. Now, Derek was known around school as the "church boy" because of how open and devout he was about his beliefs. He carried his bible with him at all times, he always wore his signature cross around his neck, the list kind of goes on.

"There's the preacher boy." Adrianna whispered to the other two girls as Derek took his seat across the cafeteria. He took out his bible from his backpack and started reading.

"You would think he's read that book ten times over by now." Shauna whispered back.

"Y'all, leave that boy alone." Tekinya said with a giggle.

Derek looked up and saw the girls as they were looking at him. He smiled and waved at them. The girls waved back and smiled, Tekinya smiling a bit wider than the other two. "Hi, Derek." She said before turning back to her friends, who both looked at her with their arms folded.

"What I do?" Tekinya asked them.

"'Hi, Derek'", Adrianna mimicked Tekinya with a scoff. "I know you ain't got no crush on the church boy."

"Girl, really? I don't." Tekinya defensively stated.

"I don't know, that was a mighty big smile you flashed." Shauna said with a smirk. "Does the party girl like the church boy?"

"Okay, lets not even make that a rumor." Tekinya said quickly. "Me and him have a few classes together so we see each other around. We can't just be friends?" Tekinya asked.

"Okay, you're call." Shauna responded.

Derek got up and walked out, waving at Tekinya as he did. Tekinya waved back with a smile before checking her phone for the time. The bell was due to ring at any minute. "Come on, y'all. We gotta get to class." She said

The girls threw away their trash and got their belongings as they made their exit towards class. "So, do any of y'all have a date to the prom yet? It's our senior prom! This year, we need to have dates." Adrianna said as they walked the halls towards their lockers.

"I haven't, however, I wish Tory Peters would ask me. Can't you just imagine me with him?" Shauna said with a wide smile.

"Girl, that'd be so cute. You'd look good with him." Adrianna responded. "I've had offers, but I've turned them down. I'm waiting for Johnny Kimble to ask me out." She squealed.

"I know you're not talking about that thick-headed, narcissistic quarterback. He's gonna take longer than you to get ready and all he's gonna talk about is himself. It's going to bore you to death." Tekinya spoke up.

"Doesn't matter. As long as he makes me look good when I walk through, I'll be perfectly fine." Adrianna said with a proud smile that made Tekinya roll her eyes. "And who do you want to ask you to the prom, Tekinya?" Adrianna folded her arms.

Tekinya shrugged. "First come, first serve." She said as they reached their lockers and got their supplies for class. "Even if I don't have a date, I just want to hang out with my friends and bring the party like we always do." She said with a smile.

Though Adrianna and Shauna's class was across campus and Tekiyna's class was only feet from them, they decided to chat for a little while longer. "To be honest, I think she'd look good if church boy went with her." Shauna said with a smile. Tekinya once again rolled her eyes and turned to walk away. "Oh, come on, Teki!"

"'Come on' nothing." Adrianna interrupted. "Talk about bore you to death. You're not gonna be able to party like you want to, it'll be awkward to drag church boy around with you, looking good or not."

"Oh, so now you care about the quality of the night and not the guy?" Tekinya folded her arms.

"I mean, I'm just saying. Let's call a spade a spade. Derek is not an ugly guy at all. She would definitely look amazing walking in with him." Shauna pointed out.

"But think about how you like to party, Teki. You really think you're gonna have the best fun with church boy?" Adrianna asked.

It was true that Derek was a very attractive guy, but Adrianna was right in a sense that Tekinya would feel awkward partying the way she did with Derek around. She hated tough decisions, they made her head hurt.

"Look, I'm going to class, you two should do the same." Tekinya said as she rubbed her temple.

"Ooh! And y'all have got this class together. You better let us know if something happens." Shauna said quite loudly.

Tekinya glared at Shauna before entering the classroom. She sat down and got out a piece of paper and began doing the warm-up question on the board. Being that she was a little early for class, not a lot of students were in the room. Peace and quiet as she focus on her work. Just what she needed after all of that.

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