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28th of December, 1956

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Snow powdered the sidewalk, countless footsteps had worn their mark into the grime coated snow. The air was crisp, nipping on her cheeks and caressing her hot breath. Store windows were lavished with twinkling lights and choked with tinsel. Even though it was closer to New Year's Eve than it was to Christmas, the city was still bountiful with the Christmas decorations. In the distance you could even hear the soft tune of Jingle Bells. Rose Tyler felt the joy of Christmas sink into her bones. Even if it was three hundred and sixty-two days away.

"I'm sorry I was three days late," The Doctor apologised as he took in the surroundings. Hand in hand they walked through crowds of people. Even though it was way past sundown it felt like the whole city was still awake and bustling with activity.

"You don't have to apologise Doctor," Rose gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. Time Traveling had caused her grasp of the calendar to turn to mush but if she was correct it would be July. At least around about July if she counted the days in a linear form. "Me wanting Christmas in July would never have worked. At least you got the decade right though; 1956 - when life was simple."

Without looking up, Rose could tell that the Doctor was smiling. "I'm glad I did something useful. Now since we are in the original New York in the middle of the night, I was hoping you would have an idea about what to do."

"Walk around the streets until our noses turn blue?" She replied after a moment of hesitation.

"I think your nose has already achieved that," The Doctor chuckled, making Rose fling her hand free of his and placing it on her ice cold nose.

"Can we go somewhere warmer?" Rose asked. Her nose was cold. So cold in fact that touching it has sent shivers through her spine and into her teeth. They started to chatter, making every movement highly uncomfortable.

Sighing melodramatically, the Doctor took Rose's arm and led her back in the direction they came. "Back to the TARDIS we go. It's not like we'll never be able to visit here again. Maybe next time I can get us here in time for Christmas Eve?"

"Sounds lovely," Rose gave him a chilled smile before following him down the people packed streets. A breeze had picked up, knocking the chill factor up a notch and sending snowflakes into a flurry.

They found the TARDIS back in an alley, looking out of place, an English police box in the streets of New York city. Even though it stuck out like a sore thumb, it sat untouched and welcoming to the Doctor and his slightly frozen companion. When inside the TARDIS, Rose let out a sigh of delight as the air was warm and comforting compared to the city wind outside.

"Can we go somewhere warm this time? Like forget about the whole Christmas in July idea?" She shook the snowflakes from her hair before they could melt. The fragile pieces of condensed water fluttered to the ground before melting into the TARDIS floor.

"Where would you like to go?" The Doctor walked up to the TARDIS console, tapping buttons and pulling levers.

Rose thought for a moment, considering her options. She had quite a lot when the entire Universe, all of time and space, was at her fingertips. While watching the last of the snowflakes melt, Rose came up with the exact opposite to the big apple. "Somewhere warm, sunny and has a nice beach."

"How about a weekend at Tenerife?" The Doctor asked, grinning.

Looking up, Rose responded, "As in the island?"

"I was thinking more like the planet," He shrugged, pulling the lever and sending the TARDIS into a whir. 

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