The face was hard to describe, and discern. His eyes silted as he watched Nevaeh. He raised his nose in the air, sniffing. He growled. The creature had teeth, like a shark’s. They were sticking out and he had a vaguely appearing nostrils.

“Oh my God.” Nevaeh whispered. She looked at the creature, watched as it stalker her. She screamed loudly but a hand was held over her mouth.

She started struggling. No! She couldn’t die! Oh God, what was happening?

She managed to see a bit of the other thing that was holding her. This creature looked weird. It looked angel . . . but it was green and his eyes were big and round.

Nevaeh screamed again as she saw the creature bearing its teeth at her. Suddenly, the creature turned human. She heard popping of bones and flinched.

Her breathing picked up.

What the Hell was going on?

“Hello, human.” The green creature smiled. It made her shiver.

“What the hell are you doing in my home?” Nevaeh asked. The green one chuckled. He turned both of them around and looked at the monster, which was now a muscular, almost, good looking human.

Nevaeh would have found him good looking, had she not seen his true self a minute ago.

“Isn’t she bold?” the green smiled.

“She resists.” The bulky one said. Nevaeh cried out when she felt a punch to her side. She was flown across the room and hit the wall hard.

The bulky one stood there, emotionless. The green one chuckled. “Now, that wasn’t nice, was it, Grev?” The bulky one huffed.

“Get the answers.” Grev growled lowly. Nevaeh held her side, watching the scene. The green one shrugged.

“What are you doing here?” Nevaeh shouted. The green one put a finger to his lips.

“Ah ah ah, I don’t think it’s wise to question us, human.” The green one warned. “Did you not learn your listen?”

Suddenly, movement was to her left and Nevaeh wasn’t fast enough to avoid the punch to her cheek. Nevaeh gasped, blood was filling her mouth.

Tears filled her eyes, subconsciously. She looked at Grev with a glare. His eyes shined black. He sniffed the air and smiled cruelly.

“Enough Grev.” The green one ordered, Grev stepped back and stood there. Nevaeh watched him warily.

“Now, as you’ve learned, we ask the questions here.” The green one smiled.

“Jekv.” Grev warned. Jekv glared at Grev.

“Listen close, human. That’s a warning.” Jekv’s eyes glowed gold. “We need to ask you a few questions.”

Nevaeh sat there. She looked at Grev and Jekv. They watched her with dislike and distaste. What were these creatures? She felt hopeless. There was no way she could distract them in order to get to her phone . . .

They’ve already displayed they didn’t care if she was a women. They called her human . . . obviously not human, then.

“Where is he?” Jekv asked. Nevaeh stayed silent. They waited for her, a long time.

Jekv’s eyes flashed. He looked at Grev. Nevaeh watched as Grev stepped on her leg. He pressed down and she screamed as pressure went to her leg.

How much torture could she take? What did they want? Who was ‘he’?

“I’ll ask you again. Where is Erebus?” Jekv asked, this time he asked it harshly.

“I don’t know who that is!” Nevaeh protested. Jekv looked at Grev who put more pressure on my leg. She cried out, wiggling under him. “Please . . . I don’t know!”

“Where is the man from almost a fortnight?” they questioned. Nevaeh gasped as Grev punched her at her temple, her gaze faltered then regained. “Tell us!”

Suddenly, without warning, the front door crashed open, revealing a dangerous, murderous looking Reb. They watched as Reb angrily walked in.

“Ah, the God we are looking for!” Jekv smiled, but Nevaeh saw the fear etched in Jekv’s eyes, even Grev backed away. “You’re coming with us.”

Reb lifted his hand and suddenly there was darkness. The entire apartment went out and Nevaeh screamed. There were a few grunts and a flash of lightening went out from the window.

In that moment, she saw something she would never thought she’d see. Reb stood there, his whole body was shady and his eyes were dark. His face stormy and she saw a dagger in his hand.

He had Grev, Grev desperately tried to get away but his attempts were in vain. As sudden as that flash of lightening was, it flashed again and they disappeared.

Nevaeh’s breath hitched.

She laid there; limp, for a few moments. The apartment finally flooded with light and Nevaeh sighed. Her face throbbed. Her stomach was most likely bruised and her leg was black and purple.

She tried to get up but she cried out and slumped back into the wall. The lights flickered and she saw a figure. She screamed.

“Nevaeh!” the figure shouted at her and she looked beside her to see Reb crouching beside her. “Hey, stay with me,” Reb said, holding onto her uninjured arm.

She watched as he slipped his arms about her and looked down at her.

“Reb . . .” She murmured. This had to be a dream. After a week of not seeing Reb, Nevaeh was sure he wouldn’t just pop up out of nowhere, and those creatures were definitely not real either . . .

“Nevaeh . . . open . . . awake . . . safe.” His words slurred as Nevaeh slipped into unconsciousness.


Vote and Comment!! Much appreciated!

As you all guessed, or have not, I had writer's block. That's why it took me so long to upload! But that was when I posted my Status! The whole day I've been home doing chores!!! I want to go to blockbuster so I've got to earn my way there . . . *sigh*!!! Fist pump for all Heroes FANS!! Because I'm one .... I'm getting hooked!!

Lol, well, thanks for listening!!!

Skye <3

In DarknessМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя