Chapter 1 - Storm on the Horizon

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And so from today, my life at the share-house begins.

"Phew...So this is my room..."

I finally finish cleaning and look around.

(I actually, didn't expect to get my own room...knowing Miyoko I thought they'll just dump me somewhere near this place, like a dog house or something...)

(The room is quite small but, hey I have a nice view outside this window.)

After the game of rock, paper, scissors that had decided my residency...

(I remembered Ms.Mikahara saying they don't have a room for me, and Miyoko recommended this store room next to her to be my room...)

And so, along with my residency I've also been given my own room, it might be a store room but hey I'm not complaining.

After I finished packing my bags and cleaning I exit into the hallway.

(Well, all things aside, the reason I'm able to live here is because of...)




"Ehehehe, did I scare you?"

The reason I'm able to live here I s all thank to this girl.

My senior in best friend, Miyoko Neyane.

"Good for you! You avoided a homeless life at your age."

"I think I'm doing pretty fine, thank you very much."

"By you mean fine, means leaving alone for 17 years jumping from one apartment to the other because you don't have enough money?" she said sarcastically.

"Yeah, okay, not that fine, fine..."

"Anyway thank you for bringing me here."

"Don't worry about it! It'll coz ya anyway."

"Wait...what do you mean by that?!"

"Don't sweat it, besides everyone welcomes you here, Mina."

She laughs brightly as she heads towards the stairs and down the living room.

"D-Don't change the subject, Miyoko, hey!"

There, the rest of the residences have gathered.

"Hey, Mina!" greeted Raika

"So, Do you like you room?" inquired Ms.Mikahara.


"Hehe, Well, I hope we can get along." She added.

"Me too!"

As I greet her nervously, Miyoko laughs next to me.

"Ehehehe, I guess we get to live together from today!"

(I'm not really looking forward to that.)

Then she suddenly scoots to my side clinging to me.

"H-hey...d-don't get so close, all of the sudden."

"Aw, it's just that I'm so happy!"

"From now on I can use you, Mina as my errand boy for shopping and so many things, this will be fun."

(and that's why I'm not looking for to this...)

"Aha-ha-ha..." I laugh blandly.

"Ahahahaha! I'm kidding!" not really..." she said under her breath.

My Sweet Roomies Re-Written (Miyoko Neyane/ Aoi Mizusawa Route)Where stories live. Discover now