9 - Something More

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**********September 13, 2008**********

(Hunter's POV)

Today is the start of the first full weekend me and Ryder have spent together. Well, besides when she was in her coma, but that doesn't count. After the whole kiss thing and whatnot on Tuesday ,we decided to be just friends for now. Ryder said she wasn't ready for a relationship, which I completely understand, and that she'd let me know when she felt comfortable with it. I was a little disappointed that we weren't "a thing", but I'm willing to wait if that means being with her at some point.

Ryder had agreed to let me show her around, today. But, before we can do anything, Ryder has to go to a doctor's appointment (My parents got things worked out with the hospital). She's having x-rays on her leg, so they can find out if she's ready to have the cast taken off. Mom and Dad have to go to a parent-principal meeting with other parents to talk about some things. The meeting and Ryder appointment are at the same time, so I have to take her. The plan is for me to take her to her appointment and then show her around town.

It was 9:25 and we needed to be to the doctor's at 9:45. I had just gotten my shoes on, and was sitting down on the couch, waiting for Ryder to come out of the bathroom. I was deep in thought thinking about Nashville and the songwriting deal.


I jumped and nearly fell off the couch. I put on hand over my heart as I turned around to see Ryder standing behind me, biting her tongue to keep from laughing.

How the heck was she able to sneak up on me?

"You scared the crap out of me," I exclaimed.

"I know. I'm proud of myself," Ryder said, laughing.

Suddenly, I got an idea. I stood up from the couch, and walked around to the back of it, where Ryder was standing. I looked at her, and put on a mischievous smirk. It took her a moment to stop laughing and realize my smirk.

"Oh, no," she gulped.

Ryder made a hopping beeline for the back of the house. I chased after her, quickly catching up. I grabbed her waist and pulled her towards me. She squirmed like a fish out of water as I lifted her up onto my shoulder.

"Put me down, Hunter," she yelled.

"Nope, not gonna happen."

I walked back out to the living-room and set her down on the couch. I began to tickle her and she started to laugh.

"Hunter...stop!...Please," she said between bits of laughter.

I stopped tickling her.

"Alright, I think we're even."

She sat up and gave me a half smile while shaking her head. Just then, Dad came in from the garage. He looked at the clock on the oven, and came into the living room.

"You guys should probably get going or you'll be late."

I nodded my head and looked back at Ryder.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked.

"I just gotta get my shoes on, but I'll grab them as we walk out the door and I can put them on in the car."

**********After the Appointment**********

It turns out that Ryder's leg just had a minor break, so she was given permission to walk. When she heard that, she had the biggest smile on her face. She couldn't run or jump on the leg, but she could at least walk.

As we were walking out of the hospital, she put her arms around my neck, forcing me to stop walking.

"Thank you for helping her get around and everything," Ryder thanked.

"You're welcome. After all, what are friends for?" I replied.

She let go of my neck, walked in front of me and put her hands on my shoulders.

"I know I said I wasn't ready for a relationship, but I can't help but think of us as something more," she admitted.


"Well, then, what should we do about that?" I said with a smirk.

(Ryder's POV)

"Well, then, what should we do about that?" he asked with a smirk.

"I think we should make it happen."

Hunter leaned in and kissed me.

And I thought the first kiss was amazing!

An indescribable feeling spread through my whole body. Making it to where I didn't want the kiss to end. But, of course, it eventually ended. When we pulled away, we looked each other in the eye.

"So, does this mean you're now my official girlfriend, considering what you said and the fact that we've kissed twice?" Hunter asked.

"It sure does," I confirmed.

About 30 minutes later, Hunter and I were in the car. We'd been driving for about 25 minutes, and no matter how many times I asked, Hunter wouldn't tell me where we were going. "You'll see," was his response each time. I was getting slightly impatient. We rode in the car for another 15 minutes, before Hunter pulled over and turned the car off. I looked out my window to see a forest.

"Why'd we stop here?" I asked.

"Because we have to go into the woods to see what I'm going to show you."

I gave him a confused look.

"Just trust me," he said, looking me straight in the eye.

I nodded as he got out of the car and came over to my side to open the door. No matter how many times I told him he didn't have to, he still did it. So, I just gave up and let him open the door for me.

"Thank you," I thanked.

"You're welcome."

I think we've said those exact words at least 50 times.

Hunter shut the door behind me, then walked over to me and put his arm on my shoulder. He lead me down a dirt path through the tranquil woods. As we walked down the path, a small creek cut through it.

"We can just walk across it," Hunter told me.

We made it across the creek in a couple footsteps. We walked for a few more minutes, before coming across a large tree that had tree-house built in it.

"Here it is," Hunter exclaimed, "I was 13, and me and my uncle were out in the woods one day, when we found it. I would find any reason I could to come out here. That tree-house is where I would go when I just needed some time away from people. Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but sometimes you just need time to yourself without the chance of it getting interrupted."

"I know just what you mean."

Hunter grabbed my hand and pulled me along to a ladder that lead up to the house. Slowly and carefully, I climbed up the ladder, with Hunter close behind.

We spent the rest of the day there, talking about Nashville and a whole bunch of other things. I was the happiest I'd been in a long time. Hunter makes me feel better when I'm sad or mad. He just makes everything better. And I don't know what I'd do without him.

A/N: Two happy chapters in a row, yay! I'm sorry about not updating a couple days ago. I was planing to update on Monday or Tuesday, but I got busy. As always, please tell me what you think and give me any suggestions you have.


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