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Yuu's POV:

We rushed out of the cold forest that left snow on my black silky fur. I searched around for my pups and I saw a little blonde wolf pop it's head out of the bushes as it looked at me. It rolled out of the bushes as a black haired wolf pounced onto the blonde wolf. I grabbed the blonde wolf by it's next and started to head back home.

"Not- fair! Why just me! Why not Mich" The blonde one was being stubborn as always. 

The black wolf taunted her as he said, "It's because I am the next man of the house

Once we got home I saw Mika with Lu and they seemed to smile as they looked at us.

"Lu might beat you at that" Yumi said as she transformed back into her human form.

They both glared at each other as we all transformed into our human forms. I saw Yumi hug her dad and wrap herself around Mika's leg as if she were a snake. Michi seemed to pull Mika by his arm as I tried not to laugh while staring at him struggling with them. Lu smiled and greeted me as I walked in to the lovely smell of freshly cooked, homemade rice along with roasted chicken. My nose walked towards the plate that had curry inside of it.

"My favorite!" I said as I looked around for a spoon.

"Not yet!" I saw Mika leap into the kitchen with our kids attached to him.

I little out a soft giggle as Lu grabbed the spoons and cups. I rubbed Lu's heads as he placed the drinks at the table. He was always a soft and gentle kid that didn't know much about his parents. He was a little shy but Mich made him come out of his shell. I looked at him as his red eyes seemed to have sadness in them. Gloom covered his smile, I knew it was fake because I too have seen it in front of a mirror. 

"Lu, do you want to go hunting with us next time?" I asked as his eyes had a change of weather. His eyes sparkled towards my words.

"Really?!!?" He finally lit up as if he were a candle.

"Yeah, you should go out and discover the wilderness" Mika said with a faint smile.

[I'm depressed right now so beware, some dark thoughts will come]

I felt a haunting ghost cover my own shadow as I felt my mouth being covered. "Run, Lu take the kids!!!" I heard Mika's voice crack in terror as I felt my warm blood drip down my chest. My neck seemed to have a cut as I felt myself in a dark cold room. A lifeless room full of sadness and guilt.

"M-mika" I tried speaking while I only had little time to speak before the shadow took over me.

"You'll be okay, Yuu" Mika seemed to have grabbed me.

I opened my eyes as I started to see blur at first but, after I blinked a while I saw his face. His tears dripped down my cheeks, his tear drops were warm and gentle towards my face. He was covered in red liquid, not only him but me. It was my blood that seemed to be covering him and me. He gripped onto my hand as he placed it on his warm cheek. I looked around to see who must have been the shadow. 

"No-o" I softly said as I looked at the lifeless body.

The man had raven hair as his eyes were lifeless with no shine in them anymore. It was Guren the one that seemed to cause such a big cut upon my neck. Mika still cried as more wolves come into our small house. Windows became broken as the dark figures came into our lives to kill us off. Glass collapsed onto the ground as they all noticed the dead alpha on the ground.

"Traitor!" They all yelled as they carried their weapons ready to murder us inhumanly.

"Take off their heads!" One yelled.

"No, punish them til their deaths!" Another spoke.

They started to take Mika away from me as his face started to blur out even more. I kept blinking as my eyes seemed to be tired already. I wanted to close them so, much but I didn't want to die yet. I have a loving husband and my kids, I rather fight for my own sake and their sake. I closed my eyes slowly as I felt my spirit slowly slip off of my cold body.

"Yuichiro! Wake up" I heard Asura say.

"I died.... I let Mika down... is this hell?" I looked around to see clouds with a big blue background across the delighted sky.

"Moron, this is no hell" Asura said trying to make me laugh.

But nothing could make me laugh, I died and my family would be next...

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