The Hunt

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Yuu's POV:

'Guren if fighting with his pack, Mr. Yuichiro' The wolf claimed.

I gathered the pack and lead them to Guren's scent we had picked up.

'He should be here' I told our alpha.

'Yoichi stand guard and await for our signal; Kimi fight up guard and when you need back-up call for Yoichi; Mistuba fight along side of me' Our alpha told us.

'What about me, Shinoa' I demanded.

She looked at me, ' You will fight in the front line, just don't get a head of yourself'

We all transformed into our human forms as we gathered up our weapons and food supply. Once we all got a hold of our weapons we hide them near the trees and bushes.

"Get ready to retreat if needed!" Mistuba claimed.

"Understood" We all said.

Yoichi asked me, "Hey, Yuu don't you wish to find yourself and alpha after this war?"

"I don't need an alpha to be strong" I claimed as Kimi seem to overhear us.

"Yeah, but we all need someone to not stay alone" Kimi said as I started to hiss at him.

"I don't believe in that type of crap! We should focus on this war! " I stated as I growled at them.

I started to pick upon Guren's scent once again and I ran towards it as I transformed into my wolf form.

"Yuu!!" My pack yelled at me.

I started to run faster as I couldn't wait to kill vampires and save my new family. I saw Guren's pack in their human form which meant they were really tired already. If a human can't transform back into their wolf form it would mean they barely have energy. I searched for Guren as I caught something move in the corner of my eye. 

"Well hello there, pup" A purple haired vampire said as he wanted to stab his sword in me.

"You, know I could make you into a coat" He said with a wicked smile.

I barely dodged his attack. I saw Shinoa appear and bite him in the shoulder as Mistuba hooked onto his thigh.

'Yuu, look for Guren! We have him' Yoichi yelled at me.

I nodded in reply as I searched for Guren again. I saw him backed up to a corner as a blonde vampire stabbed him.

'Guren!' I yelled out.

I howled as I tried to get Guren's attention, he was already back in his human form.

I kept getting closer to Guren as the vampire's scent became to strong for me. I ignored it as much as I could as I jumped onto the vampire and bit into his shoulder. My teeth sank into his skin as his warm blood went into my mouth. I transformed into my human form to hold him down away from Guren.

"Yuu?" The vampire said as he looked back at me.

His blue oceanic eyes meet my green nature eyes.

"Mika?" I said as I pulled away from him.

Guren got up and stabbed Mika in his chest as he stated, "Good job, you idiot"

"No!" I said pushing Guren away from him.

I transformed into a wolf in-front of Mika. I had my head down and started to growl at Guren while, I protected Mika. 

"What do you think your doing, brat" Guren said as he was ready to transform into a wolf too.

I felt something wrap around my chest and back, it made me feel good. 

"Yuu~chan I missed you" Mika whispered into my ear.

I quickly turned back into my human form.

"Oi !" I said trying to pull away from my clingy family member.

He seemed to have a smile painted on his face as his scent became stronger. Guren pulled me off of Mika which made him really angry. My cheeks became red as I wanted to feel his body warmth again.

"Mika~" I mumbled out as my legs felt like jello.

I covered my mouth not wanting to say it in such a sexual way. My legs gave up on me as I fell onto my knees.

"Yuu, what is going on with you?" Guren as he then started to tremble.

"AN OMEGA'S SCENT" Mistuba was now holding onto Shinoa really tightly.

Yoichi and Kimi ran to get Guren before he also became wrapped by my pheromones I seemed to be exposing. 

"Sweet~" I felt Guren grip on my shoulder.

"Guren?" I said trying to back away.

"My dear, Mika look at your beloved princess" I heard a silver haired vampire tell Mika.

"Well, Mika are you going to watch your prince be claimed?" The vampire said trying to tease Mika.

"Guren get off of me!" I yelled at him as Guren pinned me down.

Yoichi and Kimi were trying so hard to take him off of me. I felt something pull me away from the hungry alpha. 

"Yuu~chan" Mika's voice rang into my head.

My face became red as my body felt like melting.

"Mika~" I said pulling myself closer to him as I thought, "Control your body! He is family!"

I couldn't control the inner beast inside of me longing for lust.

"Mika's an omega! Calm down, Yuu!" I told myself.

Mika's POV:

I just got my family back and he was almost eaten' by a werewolf. 

"Yuu, your in heat! Please, try to hide it. I'm holding back so bad" I claimed as I blushed deeply.

"But your an omega too!" He stated as he was heating up in my arms.

"Not anymore" I said as his scent was now reaching me.

"Is this how it feels to be attracted to an omega" I thought as I wanted to mate with him.

"Mika give your princess what she desires" Ferid teased me.

I looked back at Yuu as he seemed to also struggle in his heat. I suddenly had the urge to take him far away as from here. I wanted him as bad as his wolf spirit wanted me. 

 A/N: I won't update everyday! I have work Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Which I have wrestling practice Tuesday and Thursday. I also have to get a surgery which I don't know when it will be! Well my schedule is full ;-;   

-Mikaela Walker

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