
"I'll tell you why. Because she's in there, crawling to that other girl. Trying to explain herself, trying to make things right with her. That isn't just some broad she's picked up tonight because she's pissed at you. That's her girlfriend, Jennie, Her legit other girlfriend."


"Where do you think she went, hmm? The night I came over. Where did she rush off to at a moment's notice? Work? What the fuck is so important about watching a band that you need to be on call twenty-four seven?"

"I don't know."

"I'll bet I can guess."


"How much money does she bring home? Really? Do you ever see it? Count it?"

"No, she said... I..."

"There is no job, Jennie! She doesn't work in A&R, I bet she can't even fucking spell it. She spends every night with her, while you're sat at home doing the dishes. That's why she never takes you with her, that's why no one ever comes to the apartment. You're the dirty secret, not her. She's taking you for a fool."


"As far as she's concerned you're just a gullible, fuckable little idiot that she can do what she likes with, because you're too spineless to stand up to her."

This was a touch too far, and Lisa realized it immediately. Jennie's expression set like stone, her nostril flaring, and the Thai girl rapidly added 'furious' Jennie to the list of things she didn't like to see.

"Shit," she said. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

But Jennie was already out of the car, and heading down the street. Lisa cursed herself, tumbling out of the car in pursuit. "Come on, Kim," she called, "I didn't mean that."

Jennie spun back to face her. "Is that what you think of me?" She asked.

"I was just-"

"It is, isn't it?" The Korean girl fumed. "You and Nana, you're both the same, you both treat me like I'm some kind of idiot."

"No we don't!" Then Lisa realized she was including Nana in her defense. "Well, I don't."

"I'm not a child, Lisa! I know this wasn't the best relationship in the world, but I tried. I tried really hard to make it work. I don't deserve this."

"I'm not saying you do!"

"Why can't I be happy?" Jennie went on, angrily. "Why can't I have the things that other people have? Why does everyone think I'm just there to be kicked around while they do whatever they want?"


"Why does no one ever care about me?"

The question hung in the air, and Lisa faltered. She wasn't used to this. Other people's distress usually made her smug or irritable, depending on whether she was the cause of it or not.

But she was aware that normal people did and said things at a time like this that didn't involve shouting, laughing, or taking pictures, things that were designed to comfort the afflicted, make them feel better. She wished she had time to fire up the internet and find out what they were, but Jennie's question couldn't be left unanswered for much longer.

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