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October 14, 1997

"Two weeks almost up?" Ari asked pulling herself onto the bed.

"Kinda." I mumbled leaning back against the wall next to the bed.

"That's good." Blue said kicking her shoes to the ground.

"Watch it." Nicole warned as a shoe almost hit her in the head.


Nicole pulled herself onto the loft as well and sat next to Blue.

"So, who's got a crush?" Nicole asked. She crossed her legs, she was still in her cheer uniform.

"Not me."

"Liar. I see you drool over Daniel." Nicole poked Blues chest and Blue squeaked.

"No I don't. He's cute and all but he doesn't like me." Blue mumbled her eyes falling to her feet.

"Oh come on, he looks at you too. Well I've got a crush on this boy in my Spanish class." Nicole rushed out her sentence grinning widely.

"Who?" I asked scratching my head.

"His names Brent."


"No Nestlyi." Nicole flashed me a smile.

"Oh yeah, he's cute." I said.

"Ryan? Have you got a a crush?" Nicole asked leaning her head on my shoulder. I felt my ear heat up and an answer rise in my throat.

"No, not really." Nicole smirked and kissed my shoulder.

"Out of all of us Nicole's the only one who's dated someone for a long period of time." Ari said pulling her hair into a ponytail.

"Yeah but he was a jerk."

Later into the night we were watching Clueless when Nicole grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room.

"What?" I hissed. Nicole shoved me down the stairs in front of her.

"Just listen." She whispered as she pressed her landline to my ear.


"Hi Ryan! Sorry for calling you out of nowhere, but I really need a babysitter for tomorrow night and I was wondering if you could. Because Sasha can't stop talking about you and I think it's only fair that I give him the babysitter he likes." Brendon rambled. I felt myself smiling.

"Yeah, I'd love to babysit Sasha again." I said smiling. "Time?"

"Five? Until 9? Does that work?" Brendon asked.

"Sounds good, bye Bren." I smirked at the nickname I gave him.

"Wow I've never seen someone flirt so much over a phone call." Nicole rolled her eyes.

"Shut up already. I don't like Brendon ok!" I blushed and bit my lip.

"You can't lie to me, I've been your best friend for years." Nicole poked my chest and backed me against a wall. "Whenever you want you can tell me. But if you're not ready to accept it right now then fine. But once you do come and tell me before anyone else." And with that she walked back to her room leaving me flattened against a wall breathing heavily.

Hey everyone
So real quick I think I'm going through a writers block so if the chapters seem a dull that's why idk what's happening but please don't yell at me :(
Also I've had a very stressful day today I was angry out of nowhere in science and yelled at like everyone at my table and then felt really bad and then ranted to this boy about the whole kenny thing which don't even get me started it hurts so much to know he did that and it angers me so much and makes me so sad for the girls who went through that I'm so sorry💕💖
But something funny that did happen which is gonna he hard to explain is the boy who checks my planner when he had to tell our history teacher what I got out of five he said eight for some reason
Also I got wished a happy late birthday by my crush and I was partnered with him in math
Um I played the schools ukulele during lunch in the art room so that was fun
Also my outfit was on point
And I'll do the handwriting tag if I have time for it tomorrow yeet
•Song Suggestion•: No Capes by Waterparks
^^idk i think tagt goes with the chapter
Please let me know what you thinkkk
•Fun Fact•: I almost cried today in school

~enjoy killjoys~

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