priorities v.2

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i think in this world

in this country

we have our priorities all messed up

the mass media projects an image

and we blindly follow

the likeness we are told we should become

we consume

we don't even think

what impact could this have on my body?

on this planet?

on others?

our home is slowly dying

and we're the ones pushing it further

not thinking about the consequences ahead

but, people are slowly waking up

they are starting to see the truth and realize what must be done

there is a small glimmer of hope on the horizon

and we, as a human race, should chase after it

this shouldn't have to be a guilt game

but rather a notion of love

in our everyday choices

money means power

and power lands in the wrong hands

greedy, idiotic hands that only care about one thing

but let's join hands and show them what compassion looks like

let's get our priorities straight

and care for ourselves, others, and this beautiful planet that we call our home

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