Im Sorry

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Mari POV
Chat covered my mouth and pinned me on the bed. "Please stop doing this. Chat this isnt you." I tried pushing him off. He widened his eyes and I felt a warm feeli g on my cheek. I noticed it was tears.
Adrian/Chat POV
My eyes widened. I felt a pain in my heart. I made her cry.... then i noticed what I was doing." Mari, I'm sorry I-I didnt mean to-" "To hurt her...." I turned around
and looked toward the voice. "What are you doing here!?" I yelled at him. "I heard Mari yell and I came to see if she was ok, but instead i saw you hurting her you dumbass!" I felt the warmness beside me disappear. "Nath!" Mari ran and hugged him. I felt my blood boil and growled. "Let Mari go!" Why couldnt i keep my mouth shut...  "Just leave Chat..." Mari told me softly. My gaze soften and i felt a tear in my heart."Mari ple-" " I SAID GO CHAT!" I hated this feeling. The feeling of being lonely again. I slowly walked out and looked back at her...she never looked back. I jumped out and ran to my house. I jumped in my window and detransformed. I went to my fathers office and knocked on the door."Come in." I went in and told him, "I want to quit school."

Sorry it was so short i just became really lazy ;3
Anyway hoped you enjoyed and ill move to the next chapter now to catch up byeeeeeeee

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