"I didn't knew you were this good at Quiditch. Actually I didn't think you were at all good at this game." Ann said while looking at the grass during our stroll. "Well, um, yeah. Not many people know much about me. Only the one's who I want to know, do. I do play Quiditch, but I like to keep it to myself." I replied. "So I guess we're included in the special people list?" Ann asked "Oh no. Not so fast. There still are a lot of things you don't know about me." I replied. "Well, I do know that you're a prankster and an excellent Quiditch player. Do many know that?" She asked with a smirk on her lips. I just smiled and didn't respond. We stopped walking. She looked up, our eyes making contact with each other, her left eyebrow was arched up, and she said "They don't, right?" She already knew the answer. "Whatever." I said with an eye roll. She grinned, satisfied with herself. We both ambled towards the centre of the field.

They boys were already there. Up levitating in the air. They looked down at us and Styles said "Ready to lose, are you, huh?" "Talking to yourself, Styles? Now are you not?" I said back. He smirked and I innocently smiled. Ann and I mounted our brooms and levitated. "Now Me and Josh will be playing Seeker and Chaser, and Eleanor and Rick will be playing Keeper and Chaser. Got it?" Ann said and we all nodded then took our respective places.

Second Game

The Quaffle was released high up in the air and I went for it. Unfortunately, Matthews caught it before me and went straight for the goal. I chased him at full pace but, I weren't able to reach him in time. He had already aimed the goal. He swung it through and there goes ten points. I quickly snatched the Quaffle before he could score more and rushed towards the antithetical loop. I swung it through the Third-loop and then the First-loop. I then aimed for the middle-loop. Matthews was just about to catch it mid-way but he was too slow so the Quaffle coursed through and earned me and Ann another 10 points. I realized Matthews had snatched the Quaffle from my hands and was rushing to the other side. I dashed towards him causing me to lose control on my broomstick. I gasped as I was turned over and was hanging in Mid-air, clutching onto my broom with one hand. I tightly clenched my eyes closed and tried to take my wand out. But my efforts were drained as the broomstick wouldn't stop juddering. My wand was stuck in my boot and was not coming out, no matter how hard I tried. At last, I was successful at my attempt as my wand came out. I was about to cast 'Aoratos' but just then the broom gave a harsh jiggle and my grip on my wand loosened as I tried to keep myself alive by hanging onto the broom, clutching hard on the broomstick with both of my hands. My wand was falling to the ground. Oh no. Not my wand. Not my wand. I gasped and closed my eyes. Not wanting the tears forming in my eyes to stream down. I was broken from my trance by a deep male voice shouting at me "What the hell do you think you are doing?!" I snapped open my eyes. It was Styles. I bet I would have found his expression incredibly humorous if I wasn't hanging on a broomstick in mid-air. "Uh, Nothing." I blankly stated, fighting the tears away by repeatedly blinking my eyes. He looked at me like I was crazy. "Get on my broom." He yelled. "What?" I muttered, not being able to grasp that 'Styles: The Jerk' was actually offering me help. My broom started shaking even more. "Get on my broom before you freaking die!" He yelled. I guess he's right. He levitated a bit closer and held out his hand. I closed my eyes and hesitantly climbed on his broom while clutching onto his hand. I got onto his broomstick and adjusted myself. My Wand! My poor Wand. It was one of a kind! I loved it. I thought as Styles gracefully descended me down on the grass. I jumped before time and landed on my knees, getting them scraped. I winced and put my face in my hands so he wouldn't see my red-puffy eyes I owned because of restraining my sobs for such a long time. Maybe Styles saw it because he got off his broom and knelt beside me. "You alright?" He sweetly asked. Wow. I never knew he could be sweet. "Yeah. I guess." I replied, still not looking up from my hands. "You don't look like it." He said while removing my hands that were covering my face. I didn't reply. If I open my mouth, all I'll be able to croak out will be tears. I kept staring at the ground until he gently took my face in his hands and forced me to look at him. My eyes met his and he winced? He opened his mouth to say something, but then again closed it. He removed his hands and averted his gaze from mine. I looked away too. He stood up and cleared his throat. He then proffered his hand to me. I grasped it and he pulled me up. He said "We could still join the game you know. If only you want to." I looked over at him and said "Sure. Why not?" We both smiled. "Let me get a better broomstick first." I said and he nodded. I walked to the broom shed and grabbed myself a good broom. I then ran back towards Rick. I reached him and we started walking towards the main field. "Uh..Um..You might want to cleanse up a bit. Since you were crying and you fell, you know." He stated and my hand flew up to my face. "Uh..I would but I don't have my wand. It fell down when I were hanging in the air." I replied, a bit embarrassed. He took out his wand and handed it to me "See if it works for you." He said and I gave it a flick. I felt a golden light glow brightly beneath me and wind swirling around my anatomy. "Not bad." I said, shocked that it worked for me. I then casted 'Scourgify' on myself. When I had cleaned up, I returned the wand back to Rick. I smiled and said "Thank you" "Don't even mention it." He replied.

We reached there and levitated. I scanned for Ann. "What's the score?" I asked her from afar. "Where were you? The score is 290-60. How?" She asked and I replied "I got kinda distracted. But don't worry we'll get them back." She smiled and nodded. "Of course we will." She said. Just then I saw Matthews and chased towards him. He was about to goal when I snatched the Quaffle from him and smirked "Missed me, Matthews?" I said and dashed towards the antithetical loops. I heard him curse behind me and I playfully shouted back "My, my, language now!" Wow. I really had gotten some confidence. I increased my pace and shot the Quaffle right through the middle-loop. I grabbed it again and shot it twice. It went right through it the first time, but Matthews caught it the second time. He began to rush in the opposite direction and I followed it. I blocked his way and he furrowed his eyebrows and half smiled. Giving me 'that' expression. The 'really?' expression. I rolled my eyes. He tried to get away but I again blocked his way. I smirked as he groaned. We kept repeating the same procedure again and again. I started getting bored. I moved from my place and started spinning around him. He looked baffled and I laughed at his face, still swirling around him. Then I slyly slithered the Quaffle from his hand and grinned at him before dashing to my loop. I shot it right through the middle-loop then the first-loop. I were to do one more goal but Matthews came in front of the loop. I narrowed my eyebrows. I am not letting him halt me. I pushed the Quaffle with all my might. It went through the loop carrying Matthews along with itself. I grinned as he gasped. "How in hell did you do that?" He asked, astonished by my strength. "It's called Flair. Aptitude you lack." I stated with a smirk on my lips. He gave me a look that caused me to laugh. "Whaa? Why are you laughing?" He asked, his eyebrows narrowed. "Its - Its just your face." I replied between laughs. He scoffed. "Oh please. You'll never see something as attractive and precious as this." He said egotistically while gesturing at his 'attractive' face. I pursed my lips, restraining my laugh or at least trying to do so. I just nodded very slowly and dashed at him, snatching the Quaffle from his hands and did another goal. "Yes!" 290 - 110. I thought. I were about to goal again, but Ann's screams stopped me. I whipped around to look at him. She had the Snitch in her hand. My eyes widened and I grinned. I chased at her and yelled "Yes! We won! Again! Yay!" She joined me "Yay!" We yelled together and descended down on the ground. We hugged each other, still jumping from happiness. We detached ourselves and looked for the boys. They were there far away. Grunting and whining like little children. I felt pity and a bit guilty for the boys, as you know Styles saved me and all. I turned to face Ann and she had the same expression on her face. She looked at me. "What do we do?" I asked. She started walking in their direction and gestured me to follow her. I did.

We walked towards them and as we reached them, "Alright stop. We don't need any of your teasing." Matthews said, both of them still looking at the grass, clearly frustrated and embarrassed. "We're not here to tease you, even though its really fun." I replied with a small smile. They both looked at us hopefully with their eyebrows furrowed and Styles asked "Really?" "Yeah, Eleanor's right. We don't want to embarrass you any more." Ann replied, a smile on her face. They both smiled and I said "Come on, let's go inside the Castle. Its getting quite dark out here and I'm freezing." "Yeah." They all replied and we placed the placed the brooms back in the shed and ambled inside the Castle.

As we reached the gates, Ann spoke up, continuing our stroll, "Ain't anyone hungry?" and Matthew joined in "Yeah man, I'm starving." followed by Styles,"My stomach is grumbling." I heard their footsteps halt and I turned to look at them. They were all staring at me with stern expressions. "What?" I asked. "What are we going to eat?" Ann said, dragging every word, in an incredibly cute voice. They were all giving me puppy eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows. I had never seen them like this. They always acted like complete morons. I looked at Ann. She looked so cute when she pouted. I couldn't help but crack a smile, still trying my best to restrain my laughs. I said "Let's go inside and get you guys something to eat. Shall we?" They all grinned and nodded. I turned around and smiled. I took out my book from my side bag and continued my perusal from where I had halted it. As we were walking, I felt someone staring at me, but I didn't turn to see who it was. I kept walking with my eyes on my book.

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