Damn it Carol, I know we got a divorce but I'd like to see our kids!

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Hurculess was walking through the bath House in Athens.

"Oh my, is that Hurculess!" cries one of the naked women in the bath.

"Yes tis me Hurculess, what is your name fair maiden?

The woman paused.

"Uh, my name is Kim."

"What a nice woman name you have" said Hurculess. Would you like to proceed in sexual intercourse? I am in fact the Hurculess."

"Would I ever" Kim replied.

"Okay, tonight we meet" said Hurculess. "We will meet near the tavern in the outskirts of town. We will meet at half past sundial."

Kim replied "Hurculess, thats not how a sundial works..."

Hurculess fired back "Bitch don't even test me." and strutted off.

It was dark. Kim was waiting at the tavern on the outskirt of town. A goblin grabbed her ass.

"aye." it said.

Kim looked down. "Step off."

The goblin responded. "Aye."

Kim shrugged. The goblin squeezed her ass 3 more times and then waddled into the tavern.

"Kimberly of Bath House?" Said a hooded figure. The figure approached rapidly, his facial features could not be seen due to the hood casted shadow. Kimberly quickly fiddled in her purse and retrieved a bottle of pepper spray. She pointed the bottle in the direction of the hooded figure.

"Scumbag I paid my debts" she roared.

The hooded figure lowered his hood. "Kimberly, It is I, Hurculess in disguise. No need to be on the defence."

Kim lowered her pepper spray and let out a sigh. "Okay" she said. "Lets get back to my place, someones waiting for us..."

"What!" Yelled Hurculess, "We are having a 3 some!"

"Yes Hurculess, I have a friend."

Hurculess was very happy. He thought about dispensing his load into two vaginas as oppose to one. He couldn't wait to have the sexual acts done on him by two females.

Finally Hurculess and Kim made it to Kim's abode. Kim was unlocking the door as she felt a big cylindrical item brush upon her ass crack. It was Hurculess's massive cock. She turns to see Hurculess shaking in happiness. A grin that went cheek to cheek was upon his face. Kim got wet with just a single brush of Hurculess's cock. Her legs started to tremble as she unlocked the door.

"Hurculess, have you ever had a 3 some?"

"Lol Nah" he responded.

Kim was shocked. How could Hurculess, a God amongst men not have had a 3some?

Kim finally was able to unlock the door as her hand shook intensely from the sheer thought of having Hurculess inside her. She opened the door and the two walked inside.

"Hurculess have a seat." Kim said. "I'll get our 3rd party member."

Hurculess sat on the lazy boy. His cock was rock hard. His cock was so hard, if you had a couple hundred of them, you could probably build a small house. Kimberly walked back into the room and the party member followed behind... Hurculess was in shock

"Hurculess, this is my boyfriend Tim."

Hurculess lost his erection almost immediately.

"Thats not a female." He said quietly...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2018 ⏰

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