"Had enough yet Crabbe?" Harry grit out. Crabbe simply gave Harry a malicious smile. He caught both Ron and Harry off guard by whipping out his wand from under his cloak and casting a spell that froze them both to the ground. He got up and sprinted in the opposite direction.

Having planned this possible escape, Blaise and Pansy jumped from around the corner they were hiding behind. Blaise cast a spell which paralyzed Crabbe. He fell to the floor mid step, leaving him in an odd and humorous position. Ron couldn't help but let out a loud cackle. Harry was furious, he should have seen that coming, but he didn't.

Pansy went forth and reversed the spell that Crabbe had cast on the two boys. Harry was fuming as the four of them walked back to the empty classroom that Hermione and Ginny were waiting in.

Once tied to a chair the paralyzing spell was taken off by Blaise. Crabbe's eyes widened upon seeing Ginny and a sound of confusion passed through his lips. This went unnoticed by everyone except for Harry. He whirled around and glared at Ginny. He knew he couldn't accuse her of anything yet, not when he doesn't have any evidence of her indiscretions. So he settled with a scathing glare, one she happily returned.

Harry turned to Crabbe.

"Now, you fucking bastard. Tell me where my Draco is!"

"Who? I have no clue as to who you are talking about," Crabbe had a sick smile on his face. He feigned innocence and ignorance, something which pissed Harry off terribly. A pissed off Harry is a Harry that no one wants to mess with.

Crabbe realized his mistake when he got a proper look at the furious lion standing in front of him. Harry looked absolutely murderous. His eyes were blazing with contempt and determination. His jaw was clenching and unclenching, his hands balled into fists so tight that crescent moons appeared on his palms from the brute force. He silently stalked up to his prey.

All of the blood drained from Crabbe's miserably chubby, greasy face. His smile was wiped off from his lips and he made a motion to move, forgetting he was tied to a chair. He had nowhere to go and he had an angry lion approaching him. Crabbe new he was good as dead.

Harry raised his fist, ready to punch the teeth out of Crabbe's ugly face. It came barreling towards Crabbe, full force, everything put behind it. It was just about to make contact when Harry heard it.

"Stop! Please!" Crabbe yelled out. Harry's breathing was harsh. It was taking every ounce of energy and restraint to not pound in Crabbe's face until he was unrecognizable. He glared at Crabbe.

"What?" Harry grit out between clenched teeth.

"I-I know, I know where he is! Please don't hurt me." Everyone, including the observant lion, missed the scathing glare that Ginny gave Crabbe. She couldn't believe how weak willed and minded this bastard was. I should have never recruited him. Goyle would do perfectly in this situation.

"Where?" Harry's eyes were blazing, his fist still in the air as a promise to Crabbe of the world of hurt he will be in if he doesn't cooperate. 

"In the west wing! The w-west wing. There is a stone d-door. That's where D-Draco is," Crabbe stumbles over his words in his fear and in his haste to get them out.

Harry stared deep into Crabbe's eyes, looking for any signs of deceit. When he found none, he slowly lowered his fist and straightened up. His features turned cold, hard, and calculated. He turned around and swept his eyes around the room, looking at the people he trusted the most, excluding Ginny.

"You heard him," Harry gruffly stated, "let's go get my baby boy."

The six of them walked out of the room, leaving Crabbe tied to the chair. It's not like he was smart enough to figure out a way to untie himself anyway. The group stalked down the hallways, the cold, angry lion in the lead.

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