💚Chapter Two💚

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In the morning all I wanted to do was spend the day with Enoch. I found his room and peeked inside. He was playing with his little clay creations. "Hi! Can you still reanimate the dead and stuff?" He asked me. "Yeah. That's how I managed life without you when you left London." I replied. He looked down, ashamed. "I am so very sorry about that. It was for your safety and my own." I sat down on the bench next to him. "It is fine, Enoch. I forgive you." He quickly took a doll head and a heart from his shelf and began to bring his new figure to life. I caught on quick and did the same. We had our new figures fighting to the death. While this happened we began to laugh. I laughed so hard that my side hurt and I had tears streaming down my face. When I looked up I saw my doll standing victorious about Enoch's. I giggled a bit and took the doll and ripped its head off. I then took the heart out and smashed it. "When did you become so violent?" he said between laughs. "Oh that was my entertainment all these years. Making little clay dolls and having them fight to the death. Then whichever won, I ripped its head off and smashed the heart with its head." Enoch looked at me with amusement in his eyes. "Well it sure is fun!" He said. As we began constructing new clay men, Claire walked into the room with a doll in her hands. "Miss Peregrine said we all must come down to the living room." she proclaimed, walking out of the room. Enoch and I walked downstairs to see everyone sitting on couches. Before anyone saw me i quickly became invisible and saw Millard waving at me. I went to go sit next to him as Enoch sat next to Claire.
"Hi, Mil." I said quietly. "Hello, Kat. What have you been up to?" his voice was quiet. Before I could answer him, Miss Peregrine cut me off. "Good morning, children! Enoch? You seem to be in quite a good mood." We all glanced over to Enoch and he has a big grin seemingly stuck on his face. "Oh yes. I am very happy today." I smiled. "Enoch?! Happy!?" someone said. I turned to see Hugh and Horace laughing. Millard murmured under his breath, "Haha, who would've ever thought, Enoch, happy! Because of Katerina. She's wonderful!" I heard him. I laughed a bit and said "Thank you, Millard! How sweet of you." I laughed as I hugged him. His pale skin turned a bright shade of red as he started to stutter. "Oh uh y-y-y-your w-welcome." He said sheepishly. I am almost positive I turned cherry red because I laughed so loud a small snort came out! Once that had happened, Millard began laughing too. Then Fiona, and Hugh, and soon enough, we were all laughing like maniacs! Claire laughed so hard she fell to the floor, and Horace had a tear streaked face by the time he had finished laughing. When we all calmed down we saw Miss Peregrine was nowhere to be found. Claire went to the kitchen to go find her.
When claire came back she told us that Miss Peregrine had only called us down so everyone could get to know me a bit better. It seems we did that just fine on our own. Fiona has doubled over holding her stomach when I looked over at her. Everyone seemed to be staring at her. I began to laugh as well. We all laughed for about twenty more minutes and decided to go play out in the yard.

Thank you so much for reading my story! I know not a lot of people have read so far, but it is still so amazing!
Btw I'm sorry if this is a filler chapter. I will be posting the next chapter today, then try to do either 2 chapters a day, or just one, depending on how much time I have.
Thanks so much

Bye!!! 🐝🐝🐝

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