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Joe and I spend the rest of the day in the loft--I pull on one of his ratty t-shirts and he's wearing only shorts. I notice we have a habit of constantly touching each other. Most of the time, we hold hands, but if Joe needs to let go for one reason or another, I move my legs on top of his. If I want to lie down, Joe insists I rest my head on his shoulder. Even though the day started as hell on earth, Joe and I have somehow managed to create heaven.

At some point, Joe ventures down the slide to get what food we have left in the house, including the small bucket of blackberries. "I'll need to get more chicken tomorrow," Joe says cautiously.

I'm scared to go into the woods again--terrified, actually--but I can't let Joe go alone. Although I don't know how much help I would be in the event of another bear attack, I figure there might be strength in numbers.  Joe is convinced that the bear was just passing through and is long gone by now. I feel like he is probably trying to convince himself as much as me. He's not ready to admit that his paradise might be compromised.

"I'll go with you," I say, trying to sound confident.

He shakes his head. "You don't have to, you know."

"I know. But Joe, it was basically my fault that we don't have food. The least I can do is tag along with you."

"It was not your fault, first of all. It could have just as easily happened to me. But I will admit that it would be nice if you came. I know this sounds crazy, but I feel like I'd miss you."

I smile because I know exactly what he means. I attempt to give him a quick kiss on the lips, but he puts his hand on the back of my head and deepens it. I shift positions to bring our bodies closer, but then we hear a noise of something moving outside and literally jump apart from each other. We're both thinking of the bear, and Joe quietly crawls over to the window to see what caused the noise.

I hear him sigh in relief and see his shoulders relax, "It's just a fox." I release the breath that I hadn't realized I was holding. I don't know how much more of this I can take.

Joe crawls back over to me. I wonder if he's going to kiss me again, but the moment is over. We start snacking again instead, trying to calm our nerves. Joe speaks first, and his words take me by surprise. "MJ, you are so beautiful."

"Where did that come from?" I ask. I can feel my cheeks burning. Despite the fact that Joe and I have become so close, compliments still make me uncomfortable.

"I was just thinking of you earlier, on top of me." I'm really blushing. I try to hide it by resting my head on his shoulder, but he leans forward to reach the bucket of blackberries. There are no berries left--just some juice that pooled at the bottom--so I'm confused when he reaches into it.

When I see his hand again, it's covered in the dark liquid. He brings it to my inner thigh, by the knee, and I see that he is writing something, an "A". He puts his hand back in the bucket and continues writing up my leg. By the time the word is done, he's reached the apex of my thighs, and it's making my breathing heavy. He looks up at me, biting his lower lip, and I see what he was spelling. "AGAIN?"

I smile wide and bring his mouth to mine, pulling him on top of me. Our second time together is even better.

I am on high alert during the entire hike to the restaurant. Joe seems relatively calm, but he may just be trying to keep me from freaking out. So far it is working. With Joe's constant stream of conversation, it is keeping my mind off of yesterday--almost.

When we reach Boston Market, I tell Joe I'm going to the use the restroom. He nods and heads to the cashier. The bathroom is private, and I take my cellphone and charger out of my bag, plugging them in. I didn't tell Joe that I brought my phone. I'm actually not even sure why I did—call it a gut feeling. I don't think he would have gotten angry, but I feel like I'm disappointing him somehow. 

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