14 Really Talk Though

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"Cause she was a bitch to me at the pool party."Kat said rolling her eyes."Kat that was four months ago, plus your my girl now so Kemah is going to have to get use to seeing you around."I said tining my shoes."Fine Chris. Where is the babyshower going to be at?"Smiled then gave her a kiss."I'll text it you the address." "Okay cool."

Kemah POV

We all was chilling at my house for my babyshower. Mario and my family so that was good. The boys was downstair's smoking and drinking that hard louqer, and playing the video game. Why us girls was upstair's joking around and playihg games. When my door open and that girl from the pool party walked in."Umm, can I help you?"I said caresly."Oh yeah, sorry. I'm here for the babyshower and I got these huge ass gife in my car-"She was smiling."No I mean your not a friend ar famimines, so why are you here?" "Umm, Chris told me you would be cool with me coming her-"She still was smiling."Oh he did now?"I said licking me bottom lip."Yea-"She had stop smiling now."CHRIS GET YO BIG HEADED ASS UP HERE NOW."I yelled."Wha's up MeMe. Oh hey babe look at you looking sexy."She started blushing."Thanks babe. So do you."Chris started smiling with he's cocky ass."Yeah. Will you know how I do."I rolled my eyes."CHRIS!Did you tell this bitch I was cool with her?"I said pointing at her."Excuse me."SHE said with her eyes almost poping out of her head."Bitch I don't move for hoes."

Maya POV

I was on my way to the bathroom, when I heard Kemah going off. So I went to see what was going on. When I got up there Chris was trying to calm her and his gf down."AYE AYE, What the fuck going on?"I asked."Yo BABYDADY told this bitch that I was cool with her."I looked at."CHRISTOPHER!"I yelled."Why you got to say my goverment name?"I gave him that look; like boy don't play with me."Okay damn. Look ya'll going to have to learn how to get along, cause we're dating now." "LIKE HELL I WILL. CHRIS YOU AND YO BITCH CAN LEAVE." "BITCH. I'm so sick of you calling me out my name. YOU PREGNANT not YO DAMN MONTH. So call me out my name again I want you to."Chris gf said taking her earrings off."What you gone do BITCH."She puched Kemah and I just started beating her ass."BITCH DON'T YOU EVER HIT ARE YOU OUT OF YO FUCKING MIND?"

Marion POV

I heard a big boom noise. Me and August look at each other then ran upstair's. When we got upstair's my baby was crying and her month was bleeding. MaMa beating the fuck out of the girl from the pool praty."WHY THE FUCK ARE YA'LL JUST STANDING THERE? Help me."Chris yelled.


They had all four of us seting there like some little ass kids yelling at us."In my defense I'm the one that got hurt the most."Marion rolled his eyes."Oh please MeM you the one that started it my girl just finish it."Chris said kissing he's girl."Actly MaMa finish it."August said laughing."Oh trust me that bitch was going to get it."Maya just rolled her eyes."Bitch she wasn't gone get shit by the way yo ass was on the floor moving."August said laughing."Mane what's yo problem are you fucking my babymama or something?"Chris said getting in August face."Mane ain't nobody fucking her so you can hop up out of my face." "Maya why you so quiet?"She just got up and left.


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