III. Fire and Desire

Start from the beginning

She quickly shed from the wet clothes and threw them in the hamper, making a mental note to wash them after her shower.

Nicki entered the bathroom and turned the shower to its hottest setting, she wanted to take a bath but knew she didn't have hours to spare right now. As the water heated up she took the time to let her long hair down, watching it cascade past her shoulders. Both Ming and JahJah had long hair, a hereditary trait from their mother.

Nicki took the time to let her eyes roam over her body, her skin was a smooth light brown, her breast sat high and perky, her stomach flat, and waist slim in comparison to her thick thighs. Her mind couldn't help but wonder.

Would Beyoncé like her body?

That's how her thoughts tended to go, in some way, shape, form, or fashion they led to her...and only her. She was stuck in limbo over the older girl.

Nicki sighed closing her eyes and walked over to the shower, she could feel the steam from behind the curtain and knew the water was hotter then hell, just how she liked it.

She stepped into the water, the temperature soothing the slight soreness her body accrued from the game they'd played.

The water felt good on her body but did little to calm her mind. She grabbed her silk and lavender scented body wash and washcloth and lathered her body down. She washed a few more times before grabbing her shampoo and washing her hair. After she felt clean and refreshed the shower was turned off and she stepped out and wrapped her self in a towel.

Stepping into her room, Nicki searched for some house clothes but then forgot who she was in the house with, she couldn't just throw on some old shorts and a raggedy t-shirt. After searching for what seemed life forever she finally settled on a pair Pair of boy short panties, grey tommy leggings, and a long sleeve black crop top.

The towel was quickly shed from Nicki's body and she grabbed her Japanese cherry blossom lotion rubbing it into her skin thoroughly, once she was moisturized she slipped her underwear and leggings on before sliding the shirt over her head deciding to forgo a bra, she wasn't about to sit in one all damn night.

Once she deemed her self acceptable she grabbed the wet clothes and opened her door only to be met with Beyoncé who had her back resting agin the wall.

Nicki's cheeks tinged pink instantly.

"You waited for me?" Nicki managed to squeak out, clutching the wet clothes closer to her.

"It's the polite thing to do, manners take you a long way." Beyoncé said coolly, Nicki simply nodded feeling that sudden air Beyoncé held about herself that made her always feel like a child in her presence.

"I'm washing my wet clothes...you want me to wash yours too?" Nicki asked ready to head down the stairs.

"Yea, let me get them." Before Nicki could even respond the older girl was back in Ming's room.

A few seconds later Beyoncé reemerged from the room placing clothes into Nicki's awaiting arms.

They stared at each other for a moment until the eye contact became too much for Nicki as she looked away flustered.

"My mom made some lasagna...I was gonna heat some up, you want a plate?" Nicki asked heading down the stairs towards the laundry room.

"Sure, I could eat anything right about now." Beyoncé spoke from behind her, 'hell you can eat me...'  Nicki thought to herself instantly feeling like a hothead for her thoughts, she felt her face blush and was grateful Beyoncé was behind her.

Entering into the laundry she dropped the clothes into the washing machine before adding laundry detergent and setting the water to hot.

"You want a lot or a little?" Nicki asked walking into the kitchen, she opened the fridge pulling the pan of lasagna out, she turned on the oven to 350 so it could preheat.

"A lot, but first we gotta smoke." Beyoncé said and Nicki didn't know if she was hearing right.

"Huh...we gotta what?" Nicki asked still lost.

"Smoke....everything taste better when you're high." Beyoncé said reaching into the pocket of the shorts she had on to pull out a small bag of tree and a Rello packet.

"Uh...I-I've never smoked before." Nicki said meekly, she was honestly a good girl, Ming on the other hand not so much.

"You can learn...if you can pick up ball like that this'll be a breeze." Beyoncé said, she seemed mighty confident in Nicki to learn new things, no one had pushed her boundaries like this before.

She watched Beyoncé take a step closer to her, the hazel in her eyes almost hypnotic.

"Have your first time be with someone experienced...once you learn there ain't nothing to it." Beyoncé said, Nicki couldn't help but view her words as an accidental innuendo only because her mind desperately wanted it to be.

"I-I guess." Was all Nicki said as the older girl smiled back.

What did she just get herself into?



Excuse any errors I skimmed through this 🌚

Sorry for the longggg ass wait😭😭

Trash af ik but I gotta keep y'all on y'all toes can't have it happen toooo fast 🙃

It won't be this long before the next update, word to my mother🙏

So lil Nicki bout to get highhhhhh🌚🌚

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