Hunter Hayes

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"Cause Drunk Me can't get over you....."

Hunter's POV

I knew i had screwed up when I let her walk through that door. I knew I hit bottom when she left. No matter how much I drank I couldn't get over her. I looked at the bed that we used to make love in. I shook my head and got off the floor. I went into the kitchen and threw all the bottles of alcohol into the garbage.

Few Weeks Later

I was feeling better then I was. I was starting to get my life back together. I was sad to say she was my constant hangover. I still loved her to death and deep down I wish she could see me now. I grabbed my keys and drove out to the ball park. We used to always come here to watch the boys baseball game on friday nights. It was one of few non drunk memories I had. I sat down on the old metal bleachers and put my sunglasses down.

Around the third inning I heard a firmilar southern drawl behind me. I turned around and there she was laughing with her friends. She caught my eye and I quickly turned away.

"Hunter?" She asked.

"Jess." I said.

"Hey, how are you?" She asked hugging me.

"Good and yourself?" I asked.

"I'm good, you look good." She said.

"Yeah I feel good." I said handing her my 1 month chip.

"Your sober." She said.

"I been sober since you broke my heart." I said.

"Look, I didn't mean to hurt you it was-

"I get it. The drinking was to much." I said.

"I still love you." She said.

"Can we try again?" I asked.

"Promise me one thing." She said.

"Anything." I said.

"No more drinking." She said.

"I promise because there's no hangover like you." I said.

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