Dear me,

i hope you are finding your life swell

im not

as you can tell by my crappy grammar, im not in a very good mood

BUT im just here to remind you about how shitty stuff is up until this point so maybe in the future, you'll be grateful for what you have if you aren't already

I hope that whenever you read this, youre over Alexis and... finny ..

It certainly isn't fun crushing on two guys who only ever thought of you as a random ass girl who had a nasty sense of humor, or just.. you, which we both know wasn't the time to be known as yourself

I was thinking just now 'oh!~ maybe she finally gets one of them!' But no. i know how you are and you would never especially since youre "Such a good friend :)"

You wouldnt dare

which is such a shame, at one point i thought you really had a chance!


we both know then and now that it was a stupid.. stupid dream


how's life for ya? 

have you passed highschool? are you off in college? did you afford it? did you have to use a student loan like you SWORE you wouldn't? Is that whore still your 'friend~'? Is your best friend still being chased by boys and compaining about how no one likes her and how she's ugly? Are you still being the mother? Are you still offering help with nothing in return? Is mom still being a cunt?

hm. lucky you future me. i have to go. :3

ill be back to be a shit person in maybe... a week? fuck if i know

Bye~ <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2018 ⏰

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