When it all falls down...

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Why did I want to become an illusionist? People ask that question to me quite frequently, most of them are disgusted by the art, but some are just curious. I rarely bother answering the question, but sometimes I look them in the eye and tell them:

Who do you believe

when it all falls down?

who do you trust

when no one is around?

who do you see

when the world forces you to be blind?

who do you hear

when angels refuse to speak

and demons start to weep?

I believe I want to be an illusionist because during the most precious moment of my life no one except my imaginary friend was around and it hurt. The fact that I couldn't see or feel him burned, it hurt knowing that the only person who I could see and trust was a figment of my imagination. I believe that my first accidental magic was creating an illusion of my imaginary friend. It was my first bout of accidental magic and my imaginary friend was beautiful, he was beautiful and that's all I remember about him.

When I was a mere 1 year old a Dark Lord attacked my brother and I, I guess that was the turning point of my life.  I became the freak and my brother became unique. Funny, isn't it?

It was lonely, seeing my family abandon me for my brother but I got over it. I would watch silently as my brother's birthday was celebrated by my parents and I was ignored. Its scary, frightening, to meet such an unexpected change in your life. People could not even began to imagine the abuse I faced, the pain from being neglected by the very people who brought me in the world. Every night I would sing myself to sleep:

It all falls down when birds refuse to sing

It all falls down when the bees start to die

When it all falls down, you must remember child

that no pit is endless

and after hitting the bottom heaven still awaits 



Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

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