Chapter 36: Proving Love

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, the ferry lurched forward as it started its journey back to the other island. Claire swallowed a cry. The complimentary cookies she had eaten half a hour ago sloshed in her stomach, threatening to explode out like lava from a volcano. Her head spun madly, and when she attempted to steady herself by gripping onto the armrests, Claire realized that her hands were sweaty and cold as ice.

"Owen," she murmured. "Owen... I'm about to... please..." Please, hold it in, Claire. Hold it in. I can't puke here. Certainly not here in front of everyone.

Owen, who had been checking out the available hotel rooms and the flights to Wisconsin, immediately put his phone away. His heart dropped when he saw Claire's pale, tear-streaked face.

"What's wrong? What do you need me to do?" he asked, his voice troubled.

Claire mumbled a few incoherent words. The boat careened forward once more and she clenched her fingers around the armrests.

"Claire, you need to breathe. What's wrong?" Owen said as calmly as he could.

"Owen... I think I'm... I need to go..." She gestured at the door leading outside to the deck. Instantly, Owen understood. Oh, God. She's seasick. Claire's seasick.

"Okay, okay... uh... it's alright. Breathe. Hold onto me, Claire. Don't open your mouth. Just hold on."

Owen lifted her onto her feet and guided her out of the row of seats. Gray turned around and leaped to his feet with wide eyes. Zach also got up abruptly when he caught sight of his aunt. Both kids began to squeeze past their parents, who were equally as concerned. But Owen shook his head at them.

"What's going on?" Karen whispered loudly. "Is she alright?"

Owen nodded and pressed a soft kiss to Claire's head. "Seasick," he mouthed.

Karen felt a wave of tears surface as she witnessed the affection. She motioned for Zach and Gray to sit, keeping her eyes on her sister as Owen led her away. He seems like such a sweetheart. I don't have to worry about Claire as long as she has that guy. Thank the Lord- she has finally found someone. And I can tell that he really cares for her.

Owen ushered Claire out onto the deck, grateful that no one shot them any curious stares. Steering her toward the balcony, he was careful not to trip her with his own shoes. He leaned her against the rail and pressed his body snugly behind her, feeling her shudder under him.

"It's alright, Claire. We're alone. Let it all out. I'm right here, right behind you," he said quietly.

Claire nodded faintly. She felt Owen brush her hair away from her face and hold it out of the way. But as she stared at the horizon line once more, as she relished the warmth of Owen's body against hers, the urge to puke slowly disintegrated. Instead, it was replaced with an indescribable compulsion to cry. To cry about the destruction of the park, of her home. To cry about the destruction of her role as the Senior Assets Manager, of who she had once been.

"Let it all out," Owen had said. So she did.

"I'm right here," he had said. And he was.

Claire's tears dropped into the ocean, forever lost in the vast body of water. They almost seemed to pollute the waters with their strong tang of grief and pain. Owen kissed her neck repeatedly, his hands rubbing her arms before moving to her front. He could feel the coldness of her skin through her thin tank top.

When Claire's painfully breathless sobs gradually subsided into small gasps, she was able to hear a soft, rhythmic sound. Owen was humming a casual tune and tapping the beat on her stomach. She tilted her head back until it rested against his chest. There, she could feel the vibration of his deep voice.

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