The guys get high

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Sup, kags gets high on this chapter


I'm such a terrible author lol I can't update as much now because

I'm in homeschool


Anyway here we go

Previously on "teachers just because"

Kageyama and Hinata fucked
Yamaguchi went phsyco crazy because someone ate his fries, then Tsukki saved the day.
Nishinoya and tanaka teacher Asahi's class about sex and dildos,
Kags and Hinata got involved

Let's begin

Kags pov

I was walking around the halls minding my own shit,
Y'know, heading to my shitty class whith shitty students whith shitty attitudes.

Then I overheard some boys in the bathroom.

"Yeheheaaaaa Blaze it!!"

I thought to myself 'what the fuck is goin on?'

I walked in and see boys smoking weed, ah the good kush.

"The hell is going on here?!" I yelled. The boys looked at me and put the weed behind their back as if I didn't notice it.

Fucking retards....

"Is that weed?" I asked "no sir" One of the boys replied
"Bitch I know is da weed, I just heard you yell 'blaze it'"
The retard then gave up and showed me the weed "give it here" I commanded as I reached out my hand. The boy handed it to me.
Right when I was about to close my hand to take it, he quickly snatched it out of my hand

"YYEEEEEEEEET!!!" He yelled, this made me very angry. Then I said "BOI give me the weed before you get yo ass BEAT, so I can go to class, see kinky pics of my boyfriend and peacefully beat my MEAT"

The boys looked at me like I needed mental help, but for real, I want to masturbate during class seeing extremely kinky pics of Hinata. I got him a lingerie and I really like how it looks on him.

The boy was giggling whith his friends, then I snatched all the weed they had "YYEEEEEEEEETT" I yelled as I ran out of the bathroom.

The boys groaned and gave up.

I went to class smokin weed.
That's right, I took it just cause I wanted it for myself.

The kids awkwardly looked at me as I walked in "sup losers" I said as I sat down in my chair and did a little spin.

"Uh, kageyama sensei, are you oka-" "Shut da fuq up Betty, you bloned ass hoe"

(A/n no offence to the bloned people I love y'all😚))

Authors pov:

"But kageya-" "kageya....kageeeeyyaaaahh, kagya,kagyaaaaaa...kags......kaaaaggeeeeeee...kkaaaaaaGggssss" he kept repeating

"I-is he okay?" Betty asked, "he's fucking high" a boy answered 

Then all of a sudden Hinata came through the door
"So I heard some one was high" everybody in the class stared at him
"who the hell is it, I want some" he finished

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2018 ⏰

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