First day of school

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Adam woke me up by shaking me."Ashlyn!Gabe!Its time for school!"Adam said.I groaned.Since I started school when I was 5,I would be in middle school.The only reason I want yo go to school is to at least try to make friends.I went to one of the bathrooms and took a shower.When I was done,I put on a pair of jeans,a red and purple t shirt.Since it was cold,I put on a creeper hoodie.I ran out the door after saying goodbye to Adam and ran to the bus stop.I saw this girl there.She had long thick brown hair,red streaks covering her face,also red tips.She had blue green eyes and lots of freckles.She also had her ears pierced.She's really tall and has pale skin.She was wearing a creeper hoodie,blue leggings,and purple sneakers."Hi.I'm Ashlyn."I said.She looked shy."I'm Gabby."She said shyly."You don't have to be shy.I'm Sky's daughter!I don't bite!"I said."Hold up!Your skys daughter!?And you go to my school!?"She asked.I nodded."Can you pretend I never told you that?I dont really want to buy friends with my new fame."I said.She nodded.The bus came and me and Gabby sat all the way in the back.When we got to school,we found out we had all the same classes.What luck!First we went to social studies.We sat down next to each other.I noticed Gabby wouldn't stop coughing."Are you OK?"I asked."Ya.I've had this cough since I was 5.I'm 11 now."She said."I'm 10."I said.Gabby smiled.Then she started staring at this guy."Someone's crushing!"I whisper in her ear after class.She playfully shoved me.We did math,and went to lunch.We sat down at a table with only one other girl at it.She had black hair with one gray highlight.She was wearing a dark Grey jacket,dark blue jeans,and Grey sneakers.She looked around 15."Ashlyn.This is my friend Infinity Di Angelo.She's shy but funny.She's 15 Because she started kindergarten when she was 7."Gabby said.I nodded."Your skys new daughter right?"Infinity asked.I nodded."How did you know?"I asked."The video of you kicking pewdiepies butt is all over the internet!Skys more famous than ever!And pewdiepies down to only 1 million subscribers!Less than that!"She said."Awesome."I said.Then the boy who Gabby was staring at walked over to us."Hey Gabby.Do you wanna hang out on Saturday at Starbucks?"He asked."Sure Garret!What time?"Gabby asked.So that's his name."How about 10:00 am?"He asked.Gabby nodded.Garret went back to his friends.Gabby just stared off into space like she was in heaven."Gabbys in loveeeeee!"I teased."Shut up!"She said shoving me."Do you guys wanna come to my house today and sleepover since todays Friday?" Infinity asked.I nodded and texted Adam and told him.He said sure."Adam said sure."I said."Oh ya.Setos coming over to my house today too!"Infinity said.I smirked."Shut up!"Infinity said.We threw away our food and it on the swings outside.We weren't accually swinging though."Yo!Get up!I want this swing!"An 8th grader said."You can't tell me what to do!"I yelled at him."I just did!"The kid said pushing me off the swing.Everyone out there gathered around us."Dude.Did you not see the video of her beating up pewdiepie!?"Gabby asked the kid."Oh ya I did!But that pew guy is a wimp!I got this all covered!"He said.The when he was about to hit I tried deflecting it,but a boy that looked Gabbys age walked up to him and punched him,knocking him out.The kid had shiny blonde hair and sparkly blue eyes.He wore light blue jeans and had a black jacket."Thanks."I said.He was accually kinda cute."No problem.That guys a dooshbag."He said."I'm Ashlyn."I said."I know.I saw the video.I'm Wylie."He said.He smiled and so did I."Hey.If its OK with Infinity,do you wanna go to her house with me and my friends after school?"I asked."Its OK with me.But only if you want to."Infinity said nervously.I'm guessing this guy is popular."Sure.Ill see you guys there.Do you guys live in Wake Krasner?Its my neighborhood."He said.We all nodded."OK.I'll meet you guys at the park."He said.After a bunch of boring classes we went to the ark on the bus.

Give me a break!(Skydoesminecraft fan-fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang