Chapter 3 prom and the plan

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Wolfy P.O.V

it was the day of prom

bina: Tonight we do not need our stay home on Friday night cloths

me and jason laugh, we walk over to the Starbucks were they others were waiting for us

jason: Hey guys

they look at me with worried faces

wolfy: what?

dede: Sorry wolfs

adam Hand me his phone witch is playing a video of mitch

mitch: Hey guys today I ask my lovly gurlfriend to be my.......,

claire/mitch: Wife!

I give the phone back to adam

wolfy: I don't care

adam and ant hug me. jason grabs my hand and hands me a frappé

wolfy: Thanks babe

jason: Ok gurls go home and get ready for tonight

wolfy: Wait were r u guys getting ready

jason: The back house

wolfy: k

me and the gurls get into dedes car and we head off to the house, we get out and walk in to see claire sitting on the couch watching hunger games

dede: Get the fuck out

she turns around and glares at us

claire: no

I slap her and soon we are fighting I feel some one pull me away I look and see mitch he lets go of me and then slaps me

claire: oh wow now I wont become queen at prom

mitch: its ok babe gurl

I slap mitch and punch him when all the guys come in

adam: Whats going on?

wolfy: He slap me again

adam walks over to mitch and push him to the wall

adam: Never touch my little sister again u got it

mitch gets away from the push, I see all the boys are in there tuxs. mitch and claire walk out of the house

-time skip at prom-

principal: Time to anouce the king, queen, prince and princess

all of the royalties walk on stage

principal: First the princesses. dallas, paige, Ashley, Nichell and claire

claire: No that means the dog is queen

a couple of kids put the small crowns on there heads

principal: Now for the princes. jerome, ty, ant, jason and kyle. and now for the king, Mitchell Hughes

everyone claps and that just leaves me

principal: And the queen is Courtnay Dahlberg

everyone claps and a 11 grader puts the crown on me and hands me some flowers

11 grader:*whispers to wolfy* Sorry about mitch

I smile and lip 'never date someone like him', she smiles and walks away

principal: Now for the king and queen dance

I look at mitch and then walk over to jason and pull him out to the dance floor, 'love story' plays and we dance

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