~The Dark Type And The Smart Type~

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The sun rose into the sky, Turning night to day. I yawned and sat up on my bed, Pulling the blankets off of me. "Morning already? I wish school started at night I mean I am a Shiny Umbreon. Though, That would make my sister, Vapor, Suffer." I rubbed my eyes and leaped off the bed. "I guess I should go wake her up...She's gonna hate me for this, Considering how late she was up last night..." I brushed my teeth and took a shower, Then went to wake up my sister. When I entered her room I saw her curled up in the blanket, Peacefully sleeping. I hate having to wake her up she looks so peaceful. I stepped closer to her bed and placed my hand gently on her shoulder. She's so cute when she sleeps. I gently shook her and she opened her eyes. She looked so tired. "What now Viper?..." She asked in a tired raspy voice. I chuckled at her tone. "Gotta get up sis or we're going to be late for school..." I said quietly as not to burst her ear drums in the morning. She sat up and got off her bed after rubbing her eyes. I chuckled once more and helped her up. After closing the door so she could have privacy to take a shower, I went downstairs to eat breakfast. When she came down she didn't look tired at all, In fact, She looked fresh as a morning lotus floating on a lake. She pulled out a bowl and poured some cereal then after finishing breakfast, We grabbed our bags and headed out the door. "So...What do you think this new school will be like?" I looked down at her and chuckled. "Well I don't know because I've never been there before. But I'm hoping it will be a good year." We continued to chat as we walked along the sidewalk. Soon we arrived in front of the school gates and stared in awe. "Wow...It's huge..." She said and I shrugged. "Well lets get going before we get bombarded with questions about our ears and tails by rich kids..." She giggled and I looked at her. "When we enter class we're gonna be bombarded with questions anyway...You should know that by now Viper..." I shook my head and we walked into the school. Soon we were standing at the entrance of the hallway. We looked at our schedules and frowned. "Aw dang it. I guess we're in different classes. Well I'll see you after class bro. Bye for now..." And with that I saw her walk away. "Bye Vapor see ya after class!" I yelled and walked down the hallway to the right and to my home room. I kept walking and passed by a few rich kids along the way and happened to hear some of their whisper's. Some of them said things like, "Hey that must be the new guy." And "Look at his ears and tail. He must be a shiny umbreon." And "Wow he's hot! He should join the Host Club!" 'Host Club?' I thought. 'What the hell is a Host Club?' I shook my head and ignored it. Finally after what felt like 10,000 years, I reached my classroom and stepped inside only to be stared at. I sweat dropped and just stood there when the teacher came in. "Ah...The new transfer student- I mean Munie. Please introduce your self." I stood straight and faced the class. "Hello everyone my name is Viper Airstrike and I am transferring with my sister, Vapor Airstrike. I am a human Shiny Umbreon and my sister is a human Shiny Vaporeon though we are not in the same class. I hope we can get along." Then the teacher spoke again. "Interesting...Now please take a seat next to Haruhi Fujioka. Fujioka please raise your hand." Then a girl who was obviously cross dressing as a boy raised her hand. I walked to the back of the classroom and sat beside Haruhi. "Nice to meet you Haruhi though if I may ask why are you cross dressing as a boy?" She blinked for minute and then laughed and scratched the back of her neck. "Hehehe...Is it really that obvious? Hehe I guess rich kids are so pampered that they can't tell the difference between boy and girl...But yet us commoners can." I raised an eyebrow. "Commoners?" She nodded and I smirked. "That's what they call people who live in a common neighborhood and not in an estate or people that are not crazy rich." She chuckled and I laughed along with her. She's not so bad. I think I like being called a commoner now...

~Vapor's POV~

I sighed as I entered my classroom and noticed that a lot of people were staring at me, Well not me in particular, Most of them were looking at my fins and tail. Then the teacher stepped in and I sighed once more. "Hello, You must be the new transfer student. Or Munie. Anyway please introduce yourself." I stood straight and spoke. "Hello everyone my name is Vapor Airstrike and I am a Shiny Vaporeon. My brother, Viper Airstrike is a Shiny Umbreon but we are in separate classes. I hope we can all get along." I curtsied in respect. Then the teacher spoke once more. "Please take your seat in between Tamaki Suoh and Kyoya Ootori. Suoh and Ootori would you please raise your hands so miss Airstrike can find her seat?" Then two boys raised their hands and I looked at the teacher. "Go on dear it'll be alright." I like this teacher she's nice. I walked to my seat and sat down, Placing my bag next to my desk. "Nice to meet you princess~ You should come by the Host Club some time~ It would mean a lot to me~" He cooed and I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Sure maybe some time but first I need to know where it is and what your club activities are." I said while smiling at him and I saw a bit of pink cross his cheeks. "That smile is so cute..." He whispered. "What?" He shook his head. "Nothing! Anyway its in Music Room 3 and I'll explain everything about it when you get there. Understood princess?~" He cooed again and I giggled which only made him blush harder. "Alright music room 3 it is." I said. "I'll drop by there after class is that alright with you Tamaki?" He nodded and looked away to hide his blush. Then the boy to my right spoke. "Ms Airstrike I am honored that you would like to participate in our club activities so I expect to see you there at the time you told Tamaki you would. Understood?" He said without looking up from his school book. I smiled once more. "Understood Kyoya." I said and then the day dragged on from there.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2018 ⏰

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