3- Joined The Call

209 12 40

Thank you GoreBabe
for being such an amazing co-writer!

Detailed torture is included in this story. If that's not for you, skip this one.If you read, please remember it's just a story. Don't come at me.

"What's up Losers" Richie cheered as his best friends Beverly, Eddie, Bill, Ben, and Mike showed up on his laptop screen. He took a quick swig of his beer then sighed happily. They all joined in a chorus of greetings. "How's it hanging?" Richie carefully readjusted his laptop so his webcam got a better angle of his face. "How's college treating my dudes?!"

"You're really calling us on a weekend night to talk about school?" Beverly groaned and rolled her eyes. Richie let out a hard laugh and rolled his eyes too. Beverly readjusted her sitting position closer to the open window and lit a cigarette. Eddie sighed heavily but didn't say a word about it.

"It's been too long! I miss you guys!" Richie whined playfully.

"We miss you too, Rich" Ben informed him. Richie smiled wide and they all summed up the beginning of their own school years.

"Ya know, senior year was fuckin' rough. College is nothing like high school" Richie's words slurred lightly into each other. The alcohol was finally kicking in.

"You've got th-that right" Bill responded. 

"I'm surprised some of us even graduated" Eddie commented, his eyes staring right at Richie's face even though nobody else could tell but they still knew who he was hinting at.

"I'm good in school!" Richie retorted with a snort. "Fuck you Spaghetti man!"

"You're smart but you never applied yourself. Senior year was like a joke to you" Mike defended Eddie while Eddie was too busy laughing.

"Ahhh, shut up!" Richie chuckled and stumbled over to his mini fridge to grab another beer.

"Are you really getting another one?" Ben asked.

"No, I'm fuckin' getting me a girlfriend to bone" Richie turned back to the webcam with a beer in hand. "Of course I'm fuckin' getting another one!"

"Don't you think you've had enough?" Mike chuckled at Richie's sarcasm.

"This is my last one, I promise" Richie held up his pinky finger. Mike held his pinky up too and they curled their fingers with the air. 

They talked about everything and anything. It was as if they were in the good old days. That is until a new user logged in.

On each members' screen, a little box popped up. Each of them averted their eyes to the box and after reading, their faces filled with pain and discomfort.

"Stanley Uris just logged in" Beverly spoke softly, her voice wavering. Everybody fell silent and Richie bit his bottom lip. 

"His account must've been hacked" Mike sighed heavily and shook his head. "No respect for the dead" he muttered, hurting himself and the rest of the group with his words. Stan Uris, a boy who was every one of their best friends, had committed suicide eight months ago. 

"That's fuckin' bullshit!" Richie snapped and moved his mouse over Stan's name. He stared at the profile picture. It was the picture he had taken of Stan when they went bird watching. If he looked closely, he could see the blue jays in the background. A tear stung his eye and a ball formed in his throat. "I'm giving this hacker a piece of my damn mind" 

"Richie, there's no use" Eddie mumbled. "You could just get blocked off the account and lose all of your messages with him" Richie sighed heavily, knowing the little man was right.

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