Tbh: Random

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I did not know what "Tbh" ment until May of this year. (It means To Be Honest)

I dropped Kim Kardashian's game as soon as I played it. It's boring.

I love Halloween ♡♡♡ Fave. American holiday.

I put my heart and soul into things I like.

I have a hard time thinking outside of the box. Or even about the box.

Yes I love Frozen. Let it gooo!  Let it go! No.


I'm supposed to be doing my homework right now but am procrastinating... Opps

DO YOUR HOMEWORK KIDS BECAUSE I KNOW 50 PERCENT OF YA'LL SHOULD BE RIGHT NOW. Do not fall into this endless abyss of nothingness!

JK we know that won't stop you.

Single as a Pringle.

I am listening to The Monster Mash ♡

I have brothers and sisters.

Every year I go through a Halloween and Christmas phase during the summer. Usually at the same time.

I can't save money for more than a month. If i'm lucky.

I like school. Just not homework.

I detest homework.

I love Wattpad but hate the apps errors.

She told my her name was Billie Jean... Do-do-do *Bobs head and claps hands to the rhythm*

I love all kinds of music besides screamo that stuff is really weird...

I cannot spell.

Grammamatical errors are my enemies.

Beware of them.

I am a "Nerd" "Meathead Female Jock" "In-between Popular" "Book Nerd" (Yes there's a difference) "Band Geek" "Anti-Social Weirdo" "Theater Singer" So fudge you stereotypes! I defy the one group category! Aha!

I'm Cheep-cheep.

The song I'm currently obsessing over is Broadway Here I Come! SMASH is so underrated.

Fave bands are Walk The Moon and 5SOS ♡☆♡☆♡☆♡

I have several learning disorders.

I am an open person.

I love to help others.

I Love Capitalizing Words For No Reason So You'll See That A Lot.


Okay I should do my homework (:((() <--- Look! It's a #2 double-double with eyes!


Oh My Potatoes.

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