Chapter 1

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It was six months after the night he truly became a werewolf. The night his parents decided it would be best for them to leave Beacon Hills.

After all those months, nothing had really changed for Jackson, although his mother and father did begin to fight.

It started off small, gradually growing to the point where each other would yell from across the house at the top of their lungs. His mother usually was the first to stop, usually slamming the door and locking it behind her.

Jackson's father did not know how much of an impact the fighting had made on his mother's mental health. Every night Jackson could hear his mother silently crying herself to sleep, her spouse on the other side of the bed, unknowing of the pain he actually caused.

Now, Jackson lay awake in bed. His father had not come home yet and still had yet to notify him or his mother that he would get home late.

Groaning, Jackson rolled over to face out the window. It was about 2-o-clock at the time and he was not able to shut his brain off for the night.

Across the room, his laptop lit up with a notification. He could barely see what it was before he rolled from his bed and walked over to his desk.


Jackson and Lydia may have broken up after his move to London, but they never stopped being friends. They constantly talked to each other despite the difference in times.

Lately, Jackson seemed to notice that Lydia was acting a bit weird these days.

She had previously mentioned things like an Alpha Pack and animals acting strangely, but they didn't need Jackson's help. They could handle it themselves. So, he just figured everything was just fine, or as fine as it could get, in Beacon Hills.

"Hey Lyds, what's up?" Jackson asked while sitting in his desk chair, smiling at the screen to greet Lydia.

"Oh you know... The usual," Lydia responded, pausing for a moment before continuing, "Strange things are happening here."

Through his screen, Jackson could see that Lydia was twirling a strand of hair with her fingers, a habit she had when she was stressed.

"Strange things," Jackson responded, furrowing his eyebrows, wanting to know more. "What do you mean?" he asked.

Lydia glanced down for a moment at her notebook as she was sketching what looked like a tree, but then she looked back up at Jackson and stated, "Human sacrifices... but that's not even the weirdest part. I'm the one who keeps finding the bodies."

There was a moment of silence that passed through them before Jackson spoke, "I'm sure that it's just coincidental that you keep finding the bodies. And human sacrifices aren't nearly as bad as a lizard man who can paralyze people with just a scratch and was being controlled to kill people. Right?"

Lydia's gave him a slight smile, trying to reassure Jackson he had no need to worry. He had no idea how serious it was back in Beacon Hills.

Just then, Jackson heard the slamming of his front door and his father yelling his mother's name.

"Crap, I gotta go Lyds. I'll talk to you soon," he stated quickly, while ending the call and shutting his laptop even before Lydia could say goodbye.

Jackson stood at the top of the stairwell listening in on his adoptive parents' fighting.

Already, he could smell that his father reeked of alcohol. Jackson wished that he would have been caught and arrested for driving while intoxicated, but unfortunately he hadn't been that lucky.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 24, 2018 ⏰

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