A Letter to Sherlock (Johnlock)

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John Watson sits down at his desk after putting his son, Hamish, to bed to write a letter to his husband, Sherlock. John sighs as he begins the letter:

               Dear Sherlock,

               Hamish and I miss you Sherl. The flat seems empty without you and Red beard 2 running around or some strange smell coming from one of your various experiments in the kitchen. Red beard hardly moves anymore… he misses you as much as Hamish and I. Hamish has grown so much in the past few months you’d hardly recognize him Sherl. He’s gotten tall, almost as tall as my shoulder and he’s only 8, and he’s smart to Sherl so smart sometimes I’ll come home from work and he has my laptop looking up what each piece of equipment does or I’ll find him looking at dust under your microscope. I don’t have the heart to tell him to stop even though I almost break down every time I see it. He looks so much like you with his curly black hair… it’s almost like seeing you as a child Sherl. I’ve been doing fairly well my depression is at a manageable level thanks to Mrs.H and Hamish and I’ve just been promoted at work. I’m now head surgeon at St. Barts.  Mrs. Hudson, Molly, Lestrade, and Mycroft are doing reasonably well. Lestrade, Molly, and I; sometimes even Anderson; get together on Fridays at the pub and talk for a while. Mycroft however has become even more estranged from us and what little we see of him is just about government business. Your parents are taking it hard though Sherl. Hamish and I visited them last week and your mother still hadn’t come out of her depressed state. Your father is trying his best to hold them both together but I fear the worst for them both… but especially your mother. She was such a strong person and now grief has made her pale and weak…. I don’t think she’ll last to much longer Sherlock. Well that’s really all that’s happened this month…. Until next time I love you Sherlock.

               John stands up walking to the front door and knocks on Mrs. Hudson’s door “Mrs. Hudson I’m going out. Can you watch Hamish for me?” Mrs. Hudson Answers her door “Of course John. I’m always happy to watch Hamish. You know that.” John nods “Thank you Mrs. Hudson.” And walks out the front door. John doesn’t walk to a postbox with his letter. John walks to a cemetery. The same one Sherlock was buried in after his fall. But he doesn’t go to the same grave. John walks to a black and white marble headstone with little swirls of red, a rather large headstone with only one name on it toward the left of the stone. John puts the letter in front of the side of the grave with the name on it and says outloud “Its been a year. I’ll keep hope for two more before I try to move on…” John’s hand rests on the grave for a moment before walking away from the grave whose stone reads Sherlock Holmes-Watson.  

(Written by Morgan)

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