Jamie nodded her head and then sighed before saying, "Me too, my boyfriend broke up with me" she simply announced, her eyes were somewhat filled with a rainfall of tears but she held them.

He made an 'O' shape with his mouth and nodded his head slowly, "I'm sorry to hear that..." He apologized.

She waved her hands in the air dismissively "Don't worry, he's a jerk after all" she hided her pained face with a fake-smile.

Luke wanted to hug her so badly, but that would be so awkward since they just met. They both looked away and then silence settled between them, it was comforting somehow.

Luke took out his phone and decided to message Mr. Narren.


So our appointment is tomorrow, eh?


What do you want now?


I was just conforming my appointment, god!


Aren't you supposed to be asleep?



Luke locked his phone and shoved it back into his pocket, when he looked over at Jamie she was already sleeping in an uncomfortable position.

Luke's eyes widened in surprise and he started getting worried.

'What am I supposed to do!' He asked himself and looked around; he was utterly lost.

After minutes of thinking he just settled on taking her with him. He lifted her and carried her to his car; bridal style. When he reached the car, he struggled with opening the door but did so anyway.

He placed her in the backseat gently, and careful not to wake her up. Luke made his way to the driver's seat and just sat there, obviousless to what he had to do. Then he just shrugged his shoulders and settled on sleeping inside the car with Jamie on the backseat.

He closed the windows and locked the doors then drifted off to sleep.


"Hey! Wake up already!" Luke heard a feminine voice yell at him.

He opened his eyes slowly and rubbed them, then stretched and looked at the backseat.

Jamie was sitting in the backseat, a small smile plastered on her face and was looking right at Luke.

"Morning" Luke said, and smiled back at Jamie. Her face was pale, pink pouty lips, ombré colored hair, and big clear blue eyes.

"Morning..."Jamie replied and her smile faded away.

"What's up?" Luke asked, and started the engine.

"Nothing, sorry... It's my big day today and," Jamie stopped talking and sighed then presumed speaking, "I was hoping that I would get to be at my flat by now" She admitted and took a quick look at her watch.

Luke looked at her and then started to pull the car out the parking lot, when he looked at her, he smiled and said, "Happy birthday"

Jamie's smile got wider, "Thank you, Luke... You're the first person who--" she stopped herself before completing the sentence.

"You're welcome, Jamie" Luke nodded his head, not bothering to question her about what she wanted to say. If she really wanted to say it out loud she would by now.

Luke suggested that they would eat breakfast together and then he would drop her at her flat, she couldn't say no because she was starving.

After a ten-minutes ride, Luke parked the car in front of Mckenzie's. It was a local small restaurant, he used to go there back in the days.

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