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I inhaled, closed my eyes and finally let myself do what I've been avoiding for years. I let the memories of how it all began, flood back into my mind. I could feel myself sink back into depression. I opened my eyes slowly as I sighed and began to talk. “My dad is a businessman, while my mum is a person who travels always. They are never at home. I think that is one of the reasons they sent me to a boarding school.” I paused.

Esse adjusted herself on her bed, making herself very comfortable.

Immediately she was comfortable to her satisfaction, she looked at me straight in my eyes. I got the message and continued. “It all began in Jss1, second semester,” I continued from where I had paused. “First of all, it began with the niceness and the gifts. They made everything available to me. I lacked nothing. Sometimes I didn't ask, they simply gave me. Most especially Jerry. He became like a school father to me. He even said it to me, that I was a sin to him and that whatever I needed, I should ask him. I was curious and wanted to ask him and his friends all sort of question, but I don't know why I was so scared and timid around them.” I sighed, running my right hand across my face as I continued, “It was like all my depressions and pains were lifted off my shoulders. I thought I had finally found the family I was looking for. The family that my parents could give me. They made me feel safe and secure. I was mostly happy and myself around them. They gave me what I sort most at that point in my life. The caught me when I was in grief, and took full advantage of it.” I sighed again as I stood up for the chair.

I began to pace from left to right, feeling very uneasy. I didn't stop pacing, as I continued, “They began to introduce me into it gradually. Taking me out on vacations, taking me to places I've never been to before. They introduced me to night parties, alcohol, smoking, and lot more.” I sighed again. “It was during Jss2 to Jss3 holiday, they finally dragged me in. The very night they called me, I thought it was our usual night parties, so I went without questions. It was held in a club. They rented the whole club that very day. I was surprised at the fact that an entire club could be so silent at night, but I kept on walking in, thinking they had probably shut it down so we could have our fun. But the question that was ringing in my ear when I was approaching the main room the meeting was held was, ‘Why wasn't music blasting from the room?’. But still, I walked in.”

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