Chapter Two~ Movie! Lloyd

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I slowly opened my eyes to the sound of an alarm clock. "Stupid alarm..." I mutter before reaching over and shutting it off. I lay in bed for a few more minutes, being too tired to get up but not being able to fall back asleep. I sat up and stretched. "Might as well get up since I won't be able to fall asleep again."

I swing my legs over the side of the bed, walk over to the closest, and open the door. Hanging up are a bunch of mostly-green ninja gi's. I pull one out and change into it from my pajamas. When did this get so small? I think. Eh, whatever. A gi's a gi.

I walk out of my room, down the hall, into the living room, and finally into the dining room. The air smelled like pancakes and tea. It smelled pretty dang good.

"Ah, good morning, son."

I jumped a little at the voice behind me. I wasn't expecting anyone to be up, since it's like, 7 A.M. on a Saturday. No one gets up early on a Saturday. Not even Dad.

I turn around and see an old man was grey hair, a grey and green gi, grey eyes, and holding a staff. I step back and rub my eyes. He smiles at me.

"Did you not get enough sleep last night, son?"

"W-what?" I say, nervously. Who the heck was this guy and, I can't believe I'm actually saying this but,where was Dad?

I didn't even notice that he was giving me a concerned look until he asked me if everything was alright.

"Uh, yeah! Just haven't gotten the chance to wake myself up..I'm gonna run to the bathroom...."

I say quickly. I walk fast to the bathroom and practically lock myself in there.

Who the hell was that? Why did he call me 'son'? Where the heck am I? Did I get kidnapped? Were they letting me go? Damn, I can feel an anxiety attack coming on...

Okay, Lloyd. Calm down. I try to take deep breaths to slow down my breathing that was getting faster by the second. You're fine! You're not hurt! You're okay. Calm down. It's fine, it's okay.

I manage to stop myself from hyperventilating. What's going on?

"Lloyd, can you hurry it up in there? I'm gonna piss myself!"

There was an angry knock at the door, not helping me at all. I open the door and slide out. The dude that was standing there runs in and shuts the door, just barely missing me in the process. I walk away back into the room I was before. When I go sit at the table, I sit by the old man. He seems less like a threat for some reason.

Pretty soon, there were about 7 or 8 people at the table, a bit more than what I'm used to. A...silver? I think that's what it is. A silver 'man' walks up and sets down a plate of pancakes and eggs in front of me. I give him a quiet 'thank you' and he passes out some more to everyone else.

"And then, Garmadon and Sensei Wu fought. Garmadon ripped off Wu's pants and-"

Throughout breakfast, I simply sit there quietly, listening to everyone else but never really joining in on the conversation. The one in blue, Jay I think, was definitely the most talkative out of everyone. He was talking about a dream he had. It...oddly reminded me of how we defeated Dad and got the 'ultimate ultimate weapon', aka our powers. Why did we even call it that? That name is stupid.

"Lloyd, Everything alright? You're barely eating anything." The old man says suddenly, kinda catching me off guard.

"I...I'm not really hungry today..."

He looks at me suspiciously, and I give him a fake smile. The look in his eyes say something like, "I know you're lying.", but I wave it off.

You learn how to 'read' people's eyes when they're constantly looking at you. It's a good skill to learn, actually.

"Excuse me..."

I get up, dump my leftovers in the trash, and wash my dish off in the sink. When I walk back into the dining room, 'Cole' is giving me a "jokingly offended" look, you can tell by his eyes. "I wanted that bacon..." he whines. I ignore it and walk back to my room.

There were so many questions running through my mind. Where am I? Who was that old man and why did he constantly look at me like he knew something? Where is Mom, Dad, and everyone else?

Could Dad have done this? I mean, I know he's good and he would never do anything to hurt me, but then again...

I shake my head.

Stop thinking like that! Dad is good now and he's making up for his mistakes! He would never do something like this! I feel a ping of guilt in my gut.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, snapping me back to reality.

"Yeah?" I call out, surprised that I didn't stutter.

"It's time to train."

"Oh, sorry I forgot. I'll be out in a sec."

Whoever it was walked away. I take a deep breath and open the door. I might as well act as if everything is normal since I will probably be here for a while.


Not as good as the last chapter, but better than the original lmao.

I hope you enjoyed~


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