Her whole body stiffened up as she looked down at the two Pokemon, a wave of panic washing over her. She had never seen creatures such as these, but yet the mere sight of them made her heart pound. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to get control over the foreign feelings, before forcing herself to look at them once more.

They were vaguely humanoid in shape– but yet there was nothing human about them. Their blank, emotionless eyes stared off into nothing, no sign of a mouth on their faces. The creatures hovered in the air, suggesting it to be a psychic type. Red and blue skin gleamed in the sun, looking unnatural against the sky. Their arms were long and thin, the appendages twisted together.

They were identical in nearly every way, save for the the gleaming gem-like object that was embedded into their chests, one green, the other purple. Mairin could feel goosebumps rising on her arms as she stared at the picture, and her gaze drifted down to the small caption right below the image.

[Human-bonded Deoxys (green crystal, left), and its singular companion (purple crystal, right) flying above LaRousse City, Hoenn.]

First Appearance– North Pole

Human bond– Tory Lund

She carefully used the other folders to cover up the photo of the strange creatures as she read, finding it impossible to focus with their empty gazes locked on her. Their unnatural appearance was swifty explained in only a few paragraphs of her reading– the two 'Deoxys' being identified as an alien species. These two were just a few of many that had been known to enter earth's atmosphere, and the one with the green gem being among a handful that was known to have developed some form of connection to a human.

That was what most of the paper was about– the green-gemmed Deoxys and its bond with the human boy, Tory. Mairin merely scanned the paper, heart thumping heavily with unease the more she read. The psychic type had spent a majority of its time with the boy in an energy-based state, apparently able to survive without a body as long as its crystal was intact.

The creature's powers seemed beyond any earthly Pokemon she knew about– able to regenerate its body, shift between multiple forms with ease, create nearly impenetrable barriers across an entire city, and release psychic-based auroras that could be seen for miles.

This Deoxys displayed playful behavior towards its human-bond, seemingly enjoying Tory's companionship rather than simply the energy it gained from being near its human. This emotional investment to both Tory and its fellow Deoxys disproved the hypothesis that this species is solitary, and the false assumption that they only linger near their human to seek energy.

In an interview with Tory several years ago he spoke of multiple occasions in which Deoxys returned to visit him, both with and without its purple crystal companion. This shows that the bond between them still lingers years after its formed, and allows for the Deoxys to locate the human they're connected to.

Suddenly she stuffed the pages back into the folder, this sudden reaction even surprising her as she shoved the folder away– as if the mere image of the aliens being near her was too much to handle. But yet those hollow eyes seemed to be burned into her mind, staring down at her with that chilling gaze. She swiftly reached for the next folder as she tried to shake the image from her mind– this time grabbing the folder with Max's name.

No picture of any strange creatures greeted her this time, much to her relief, but a mere glance over the page once again showed it was about a Deoxys. She shifted uncertainly in the chair, eyes glancing towards the folder with her name on it. Her gaze lingered there, before she forced herself to look down at Max's folder.

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