Just the thought of Hunter pissed me off, that coward left us for dead. I thought that we could trust him, we all thought that we could.

"Well what weapon do you guys have in mind?" I asked them. "He's already got his Iron-Man like gauntlet."

"Iron-what?" Perseus and Wintria said simultaneously.

"Oh, nothing!" I giggled. "Don't worry about it."

Ruby's POV

"You can do it (N/N)!"

I cheered (Y/N) on as he went head-to-head against Yang, for a beginner he was doing surprisingly well.

"You're good, but I'm afraid that your luck is about to run out!" my sister laughed.

Yang drew a card from her deck and flipped it over, she was right (Y/N) might be doomed!

"You have activated my trap card!" she smirked.

"You just have to roll a six or less to lose right?" (Y/N) asked her.

Yang simply nodded, but she seemed confident enough to not care.

"What are you gonna do (Y/N)?" I asked worried. "She's gonna tear your fleet to shreds!"

He remained silent and just smiled.

"Don't worry, my silver angel." He put on a serious face. "I got this."

"Really?" I asked with hope.

"Not really, just hope that she rolls a six or less..." his serious demeanor instantly disappeared as he scratched the back of his head.

Perseus' POV

We were able to agree on a weapon to give to (Y/N), when all of a sudden we heard a loud cheer coming from team RWBY's table.

"Should we check it out?" I asked both of the girls, only to receive a shrug from the both of them.

"Fine." I sighed. "I'm sure they're alright."

Your POV

"Hah-ha!" I laugh victorious. "Ruby and I officially win!"

"Looks like your luck ran out Yang!" Ruby pointed at her triumphantly.

"I'll give you this round, (Y/N)." Yang smirked. "But don't think I'll go that easy on you the next time around."

"Hey!" Jaune exclaimed as he approached our table. "Can I play?"

"Sorry Jaune, we just finished." said Yang as she picked up the pieces of the board game.

"Besides, this game requires a certain level of tactical cunning," Weiss added. "That I seriously doubt that you possess."

"Uh," Yang intervened, "You attacked your own naval fleet two turns ago."

Weiss let out an annoyed groan. Jaune then proceeded to taunt Weiss, only to be burned by her shortly after. Their argument kept going, until Jaune accidentally brought up a sensitive topic, resulting to Pyrrah slapping his mouth shut. We all look at Blake who seemed annoyed that her secret was out.

"Right. That. Ladies, and (Y/N). Enjoy your battle." Jaune bowed as both him and Pyrrah walked away.

"But we literally just... never mind." I said pinching the bridge of my nose.

Sun and Neptune arrived not shortly after, only for Neptune to hit on Weiss, again.

~Sometime Earlier~

"I'm sure you're wondering why I called you up here." Ozpin said as he took a sip from his seemingly never-ending coffee.

"Well that, and the Atlesian Airships." I said pointing towards the window behind me.

Never Again - Ruby Rose x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now