A Few Words

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Before this begins, I want to say a few things.

This book contains words that represent emotion. Whether it's a sentence I just needed to say to get it out of my system or a feeling I needed to let others see for once, it came from me.

Anything you see that is grammatically incorrect or contains punctuation errors is done intentionally.

This book is my way of projecting my voice, and of dealing with these crazy emotions we have as human beings.

That being said, nothing in here is meant to upset or offend anyone.

It's just thoughts. Thoughts that come from myself.

I decided to write this book because of a piece of advice someone told me. They said: Emotions don't fit in a bottle. After mulling over it a bit, I knew what I needed to do.

Because my bottle was starting to burst.

And it was time to let it open.

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