....PART 12....

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 The Rat stared into their souls with it's beaming red eyes.  The four men were still and silent, staring up to this demented beast.  It's sight was astounding to Ray and Egon, although they couldn't help but shiver in fear.  Peter Venkman took his proton gun and blasted it at the Rat making it screech.  It growled loudly pushing Peter back with a force of slime and air.  Then, he tried again by blasting the ghost with all his might.  

   The Giant Rat hissed as it began to fall back in terror.  Peter beckoned the rest of his friends to help him, and they did so.  All four men blasted their proton guns at the Giant Rat making it screech and squeal.  Suddenly, the rat imploded, and disappeared.

  Winston got down to the ground gasping for air.  He could not see another Rat for a long time.  Ray looks over to him feeling empathy and sorry for him.  As Ray was about to lead the guys out, there was was another roar that came from the distance, it sounded angry and irritated by something.  Then a big fat ghost bursts out through the walls behind the four guys.  All of them turn and blast their proton streams.  It was the Chairman ghost, another one of those icky bad ghosts that was protecting and guarding the mandala.  

  This ghost was fast for being extremely large.  The four men blast their neutrona guns again at the flying phantasm with all the strength they had left.  Ray could tell Venkman was getting annoyed of blasting another ghost, they had to put this one to hell for sure.  Although, as they kept fighting the giant ghosts, it fights back by blasting slime from it's fingers.  The slime falls right on Peter as he squints his eyes falling backwards.  

  Winston fell on his side blasting his proton gun hitting the giant Chairman ghost right in the face.  The ghost roared with rage and fire, it took it's hands and flames blasted from his fingertips like a flamethrower.  Ray runs and dodged the flames, luckily nothing caught on fire.  Ray blasted his proton gun and hits the Chairman ghost again.   

"YOU GOT EM!!!" Yelled Peter.  Peter then blasted his proton stream and had the giant ghost in hold.  Winston slid the trap under the ghost and Egon stepped on the pedal.  The giant chairman ghost gets sucked inside of the trap.  The trap closed and steamed.  The whole building soon began to shift and the Ghostbuster men looked behind them where a wall was.

"Look!" Pointed Egon "It's closing the fourth and last one!" Ray said.  The last glowing mandala stopped glowing, and one one light shunned from it.  Giving the four men direction of where to find Shandor Island.  

"It's glowing blue like the ocean, it's telling us to head in the northern direction towards specifically to the Atlantic Ocean," Says Spengler walking up with his head slightly tilted.  He continued, "Specifically....the Bermuda Triangle."

He turns around looking to Ray, Winston, and Peter.  Peter laughed sarcastically,

"Buddy you don't think I've heard the stories of the Bermuda Triangle.  Lemme tell you something, we're going to die or never return Spengy.  So whatever your mind is telling you...is ain't  goin' work buddy." 

"We need to do this Venkman, or else hundreds or thousands of lives will be lost.  I think it's logical that we should execute this like we should.  We need to get a boat, and travel the way this is telling us.  We need to close the Mandala and shut down I've Shandor's plan before it goes haywire.  For now we'll regroup and go back to the HQ and prepare.  Are we all in agreement?"

Ray, Peter, And Winston we're silent.  Until Winston spoke shrugging,

"I'd say I'm ready to die.  Let's do it!"

"That's the spirit!" Grinned Peter.

The four Ghostbuster men went back to headquarters to look back at a map of New York City. They pointed out different boating places near the coast.  The power surge had to be strong enough to point in one direction.  All the spirits and ghosts contained to go one direction to one power point.  A surge of paranormal energy.  

"We'll go to St. Martin's Ships Docks, there's someone I know there that might just give a boat out there." says Winston pointing to one part of the map near the coast.  

"If we're really willing to risk our lives in the Bermuda Triangle, honestly guys, it scares me!" says Ray shivering.  

"Who know's about what's with the Bermuda triangle, all we know is that this mandala crap is suppose to lead us to the Shandor Island," says Peter walking around the table and his friends.  

"Some guy on the other side might kill us for all god knows!" laughed Peter.

"And we are willing to risk are lives because of it.  If this Ivo Shandor character isn't stopped, then all of paranormal energy known in the city will burst at the seams.  Everyone is in high danger Peter.  We need to get to the Island, there's no way around it.  We'll leave tomorow at noon to St. Martin's." says Egon.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Jun 05, 2019 ⏰

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