Talking About It

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You and Liam were walking in the mall holding hands.

That day you kept seeing babies, which made you want a baby of your own even more than you already did.

You thought that you and Liam were ready to expand the Payne family so you decided to ask him about it over dinner.

Once you got home you started making dinner.

You put the dinner in the oven and went down in the basement with Liam.

"Hey Liam let's dance or something", you yell excitedly.

"Let's build a fort", Liam smiles.

"Yeah", you yell grabbing the pillows and making a fort.

You threw a blanket on top so it was dark.

You you get inside with Liam.

"Hey let's play a game in here. Umm we have to try and find each other. I'll go first",Liam says.

You giggle and quietly step out the fort.

You quickly go check on the food to make sure it's not burnt or anything.

You take it out the oven and set it on the stove to cool off, then you quietly go back to the fort, but don't get back in it, you stand outside in the corner.

"I can't find you, I don't even think your in the fort anymore", Liam says.

You push over the fort making it fall over, then You quickly run in the kitchen and set the table.

"Very funny (Y/N)", Liam says making his plate and coming to the table.

"So I've been thinking, that we should have a baby, I mean, we have been married long enough and I think we are ready. I mean we could build forts and stuff with our kids, I just think a baby would be nice", You said.

"Alright, then a baby we will have", he said.

"Really?", You ask with excitement.

"I don't see why not", he says.

"Yay",you yell making Liam chuckle


You and Louis were sitting on the couch cuddling, then you got bored.

"Louis , I'm bored", you tell him.

"Hmmm, do you wanna play hide-n-seek?",Louis asked.

"It won't be as fun with just us two", you whine.

"Ummmm, how about we ummm, do you wanna invite the boys",he asked.

"Sure, call him, now. I'm gonna go change", you say and run upstairs to you and Louis's room.

You just throw on a crop top and baggy sweatpants, nothing fancy. You walk downstairs to see the boys already here.

"Hey guys", you say.

"(Y/N)!!!",they all yell and give you a hug.

"Okay I'm it, if I find you I spray you with silly string", Louis says.

Way to make a non messy game a messy one. You grabbed a can of silly string and went to go hide. You hid in under the couch in the basement. The couch has cloth that covered the bottom so he wouldn't be able to see you. You heard Louis yell something and one of the boys yell. Soon after, you had heard all the boys yell which means you were the last one he was looking for. You went deeper into the couch. The couch was against the wall so you didn't worry about coming out the other end.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2014 ⏰

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